

时间:2023-06-11 19:19:59 文/秦风学 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



从听、说、读、写四方面掌握本课粗体句型“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. He’s writing an e-mail in the study. ”

能够听懂、会说、认读Read and write部分的内容。


教学重点:写四方面掌握本课粗体句型“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. He’s writing an e-mail in the study. ”

能够听懂、会说、认读Read and write部分的内容。

教学难点 :





Hello. This is Tina.

Hello. Can I speak to Mary, please?

She’s doing her homework. Please hold on.

Thank you.

There’s a call for you.



2、Review (复习)


教师找同学读读Let’s talk部分的内容。

让学生表演Let’s talk部分的对话。


3、Presentation (呈现新知)

活动四: 读读贴贴

教师出示短语卡片,全班学生齐读。之后,请第一组学生代表将短语卡贴到相应的动作图片下,贴的同时第一组其他组员共同说出一个句子,如:He’s writing an e-mail.,接着由第二组代表贴图说句子,第二组组员说句子,依此类推,直至各小组都进行过。

活动五: 加句子

学生五至六人一组,第一个学生说一个描述家庭成员在做某事的句子,如:Mom is

in the kitchen. ,第二个学生先重复前面学生说的句子,然后再说一个不同的句子,如:Mom is cooking in the kitchen. Dad is reading a newspaper in the study.,依此类推。


教师播放Read and write部分的录音,学生认真听,之后凭借记忆复述听到的句子或词语。


教师问一名学生:How are you? ,学生作答后教师板书:How are you doing today? How are you? How are you doing? 用手势和动作告诉学生三个句子意思相同,并划个大括号,最后,板书 Just fine. 。教师在用三种方法向学生提问:“How are you doing today? How are you? How are you doing?”引导学生回答:Just fine. 。教师板书everybody 并带读,教师问一名学生:How’s everybody doing? 提示everybody一词的含义,引导学生理解,并作答在学生理解的基础上,教师请学生合上课本,判断下面句子的对错:

Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Dad is writing a letter in the study.

Grandpa is reading newspaper.

The boy is doing homework.

Brother is cleaning the room.

完成Finish the sentences 的活动。

教师指导学生书写四会句子,看谁写得又快又好,包括:“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. He’s writing an e-mail in the study. ”。

4、Let’s play (趣味操练)


教师指导学生完成教材P53 的Let’s check的练习。录音内容如下:

Hello, Amy. This is Aunt Cathy. How’s everybody?

Everybody is busy. I am doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner. Dad is reading a book. Sister is writing a letter.

Can I speak to your mom, please?

Sure. Hold on please.


What is Amy doing?

What is her mother doing?

What is her father doing?

What is her sister doing?


师生一起归纳本单元的动词短语ing形式,并写在黑板上,如:cooking dinner, cleaning the bedroom, washing clothes, doing the dishes, writing an e-mail 等。教师简单介绍背景:It’s Sunday morning. Everybody is busy. What are they doing? ,让学生拿出自己家庭成员的照片,一边介绍一边把照片贴在对应的短语旁,如:Mom is washing clothes.


每名学生准备三张纸,在三张纸条上分别写上自己的名字,正在做的动作和一个方位词,如:Amy, watching TV, in the desk 。学生将自己的三张纸分别放在三个盒子里。每名学生任意从三个盒子里分别抽取一张纸条,根据纸条的内容说一句话,如:Amy is watching TV in the desk.,看谁的句子最有趣。

5、Consolidation and extension (扩展活动)


学生6人一组,每3个人扮演一个家庭,两个家庭背对背站好。游戏开始,每个家庭的第一个学生手拿一张纸卷成的模拟电话听筒,开始打电话。其他学生分别任意做一个动作。一名拿模拟电话听筒的学生说:Hi. This is …. Can I speak to …, please?,对方家庭接电话的学生根据被点名的学生正在做的动作作答:Sure. He/She is …. Please hold on. 然后将模拟电话听筒传给被点到名字的学生。依此类推,直至每名学生都接过电话为止。


做本单元B Read and write 部分的活动手册第38页的配套练习。


教师播放录音,做Listen, read and write 部分的练习。要求按所听内容填空。






3.抄写P51句子,一个一行,并默写 在家作本上。




1能够听、说、读、写短语的ing形式:listening to music,washing the clothes,cleaning the room,writing a letter,writing an e-mail.

2 能听、说、读、写句型:What is your father doing?He’s writing an e-mail.等询问并表述他人正在进行的动作。

Ⅱ 情感态度目标


2 调动学英语的积极性,养成积极参与活动的习惯。

Ⅲ 学习策略目标

1 英语听、说、读、写技能都有所提高。

2 学会与同伴合作、交流。


本节课主要是学习五个动词短语的ing形式listening to music,washing the clothes,cleaning the room,writing a letter,writing an e-mail. 句型:What is your father doing?He’s writing an e-mail.等询问并表述他人正在进行的动作。


Step1 Warm-up.


T:Hello.Boys and girls.How are you?

Ss:I’m fine.Thank you.And you?

T: Pretty good.Thank you.Sit down,please.

2. Let’s chant

T:Now, Let’s chant: What Are You Doing?

What are you doing?

I am doing the dishes. What are you doing?

I am drawing pictures. What are you doing?

I am reading a book. What are you doing?

I am cooking dinner. What are you doing?

I am answering the phone.

3.Let’s say

【设计意图】学生与老师一起表演歌唱,活跃了气氛,调动学生情绪,同时复习重点句型:What are you doing?

Step2 Revision

T:Well done.What are you doing?

S1:I’m ...

T:What is...doing?

Ss:He is...


【设计意图】 简单的对话复习了句型同时引出新内容。

Step3 Presentation & practice


1. T:Boys and girls.Do you want to know

What is Mike doing?

He is listening to music.

(Spell the phrase and do an action)

T:l[ ]st[ ]


listen to music

listening to music


2.What are you doing?师做动作,

I am washing the clothes.

What is your mom doing?

She’s washing the clothes.

(Spell the phasse and do an action)


wash the clothes

washing the clothes

T:Are you helpful at home?


T:Do you help your parents to wash the clothes? What about cleaning the room?


T:Good boy/Good girl.

What are you doing?

I am cleaning the room.

What is your brother doing?

He’s cleaning the room.


clean the room

cleaning the room

3 .T: What are you doing?师做动作

I am writing a letter.

What is your sister doing?



write a letter

writing a letter

s writing a letter.

S1:What are you doing?

I am writing an e-mail.

What is your father doing?

He’s writing an e-mail.



write an e-mail

writing an e-mail

T: Perpet. write 表示写,当词尾是不发音e时,现在进行时去e再加ing.你们能举出两个改法相同的单词吗?



Step4 Consolidation

Review the five phases.

1.听录音Let’s learn先听一遍,再跟读。

2. T:Let’s do a guessing game.



T: Guess,please.If you are right,you may say,”I won.”

What is the girl doing?

Ss:She is...

T:Good job.


Practice the five phrases in the same way.

3.I can say:

What is John doing ? He is watching TV .

4. Let’s chant.

Listen first and then chant together.

T:You all have good membory.Grangma is...

Ss:cooking,Cooking noodles.

T:Sister is...

Ss:listening,Listening to music. ...

The whole class chant and do actions with music.


5. Group work

ⅠReview the five phases.Read them together.

ⅡT:Let’s make a dialogue.Who can help me?

One student shows a picture to the classmates.

T:Who is it?


T:What is ...doing?


6.Let’s check。

7.Let’s play。What is he / she doing? He / She is …


8.I can write


Step5 Homework

1.Listen to the tape and read after it.






1、能够听、说、读、写句型:What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.

2、能够听、说、认读句子:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.


教学重点 本课时的教学重点是能够听、说、读、写句型:What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.

教学难点 能够听、说、认读句子:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.


Step1: Pre-reading 1. Chant together.

Look at the elephants.

What are they doing? What are they doing?

They are drinking water. They are drinking water.

Look at the monkeys.

What are they doing? What are they doing?

They are swinging. They are swinging.



(1)出示,教师提问,请学生来回答。T: What is it? Do you like it? What is it doing? Yes, it’s hungry.等。

(2)展示下一张幻灯片,教师接着询问,T:What can you see? What are they? Oh, the baby kangroo is so cute. What is it doing? What is the mother

kangroo doing?



(4)(最后一幅呈现大象喝水的图片,学生问答之后,教师进行讲解。)T:We drink water with our mouths.But the elephant is drinking water with its trunk.(教师边说句子边做动作。)并解释:Trunk means elephant’s nose.然后领读句子,并进行机械操练。


Step2: While-reading Task

1.Read the dialogue silently and quickly. And find out the answers. Please circle the key words. Q:What animals are there in the dialogue?

2. Read the dialogue silently again and circle the right pictures. (文后第1题)

Read and answer.

( ) (1). Kangaroos live in Australia.

( ) (2). Kangaroos like to be quiet at night.

( ) (3). Baby kangaroos remain in their

mother’s pouch for 5-6 years.

3. Read the dialogue loudly and write the answers and the questions. (文后第2题)

(1).What is the mother kangaroo doing ?

She is jumping.

(2).What is the baby kangaroo doing?

It's sleeping.

(3). What is the elephant doing ?

It’s drinking water.

Step3: Post-reading

1.Listen to the tape.

2. Follow the tape.

3. Read the dialogue in pairs, then act.

4. 补全对话。内容如下: Sarah:Look at the minkey. Chen: ____________________? Sarah:It is ______ bananas. It’s hungry. Chen: That baby kangroo is so cute. It’s sleeping.

Sarah:What about the mother kangroo? ______________________? Chen: ______ jumping. Sarah:Do you see any elephants? I love elephants. Chen: Yes. Look there! That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.


5. Read and do the actions

(1) 教师利用本课句型进行询问,并请学生作答。示范两三组后,进行生生问答。 (2)Write some sentences about the picture.

6.Make a show report.


Step4: Homework




Unit 5 Look At The Monkeys

A Read and write

What is it doing?

It is …ing. What is she doing? She is …ing.



1. 句型What are they doing? They are swimming。They are climbing trees. 2. 培养学生语言运用能力与创造力。能够运用语言去完成一些任务型的活动。 3. 培养学生通过以旧带新的方式自主阅读,同时注重合作学习。


重点 What are they doing? They are...... Can the animals really do something?

难点 Here come two tigers . Can tigers really swim? Yes , they can . They’re good climbers.


1.Sing the song: (rhythm: Happy new year.)

What are they doing (3) in the park? They are jumping\walking\flying in the park? What are they doing (3) in the park? They are swimming unning\fighting in the park? What are they doing (3) in the park? They are swinging\drinking\sleeping in the park?

2.Let’s chant:

Koalas are sleeping.

Kangaroos are leaping(跳跃).

Two bears are fighting.

The small bear is biting(咬).

A monkey is climbing.

A bird is flying.

A lion is snoring.

The zoo is never boring(不无聊).

3. Show them a park: Do you see any animals?

Models: Oh, boys and girl. Just look at the beautiful park! It’s beautiful, isn’t it? So many animals are in it. How many animals can you see? Do you see any animals. Look ! Here come some birds! What are the birds doing? Can the birds really fly? ...... Very well, boys and girls! You did a good job! I have some friends. They are in a big nature park. They are Sarah, Amy, and ChenJie. Let’s go and have a look with them! And we can watch what the animals are doing now. OK? NaturePark 适时鼓励学生所作出的成绩,为他们的自信加油打气.为进一步的自主学习打下良好的基础.既然有了上一步的情景的引出,很轻松地引出本课的三个主人翁:Sarah, Amy, and ChenJie. 并及时有效的引导学生去和他们一起观察自然公园中的动物们在做什么

4. General reading: Show them four questions, and then let them read the leaning material and find the answers quickly!

①: Can tigers really swim?( ) A:Yes,they can’t: No, they aren’t

②: The pandas are( ). A: climbing trees B: drinking water (When the students find the answers, as a teacher, he should go into with them and help them to find the answers quickly.)


5.Detailed reading: Show them two questions, and then let them read the leaning material carefully, circle the answers with pens.

Answer the questions

What are the tigers doing?

What are the pandas doing?

(blackboard design)

Read and write: Pay attention to the students’ writing and let them finish this task. e.g:What is she doing? (he) → what is he doing?

①:They are climbing trees. (drinking water)

②:Can tigers swim? (rabbits fly)

6.Listen to the tape: (twice) Watch the video and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and then encourage them to imitate.

7.Read aloud:(read in groups) Now boys and girls, your time is coming! I will give you two minutes to practice it! And I hope you can believe it and do it! OK! GO!

8.Role play(3 minutes)

Several student showing their practical results and role play fluently. what a big nature park(rhythm: Persian cat) What a big nature park. What a big nature park. What a big nature park.

6.Show them a picture and then let them make a report like this。

【设计意图】内容一定要新颖且有一定的意义:教学效果的体现及情感教学的发展.让学生自主的去爱动物:They are our friends. Please don’t hurt(伤)them.突出主题.

7. Let’s sing

板 书 设 计 Unit5 Look at the Monkeys Part(B)Read and write

What are they doing? They’re swimming. They’re climbing trees.




2.能够听、说、认读句型 “Are you …?Yes, they are /No, they are not.”并能在情景中运用。



重点 能够听、说、认读句型 “Are you …?Yes, they are /No, they are not.”并能在情景中运用。在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的动词短语。

难点 能够听、说、认读句型 “Are you …?Yes, they are /No, they are not.”并能在情景中运用。



1.唱一唱 教师播放第六单元《On a trip》:

2.教师说:Let’s go on a field trip. OK? What do we need? 引导学生进行思考,说出他们能够想到的所有物品。(允许学生用中英文) 教师带领学生看书P78中所列的物品名称。 请学生试着读一读这些物品,如果不会读的,教师可以给予帮助。 教师结合户外野营用品介绍相关知识。

2.说一说: 教师播放P68 Let’s chant 部分。


教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。 引导学生用学过的单词短语替换歌谣中的单词短语,进行再创作。


3.Free talk: 教师每次请三名学生上台,每人抽一张卡片,上面是每一节分别都是写名字 Sarha 写做什么 doing an experiment 写地点 on the playground,然后形成随意组合的一句话。 请学生读出随意组合后的句子。 教师可以将学生分为A、B两队。两队轮流读句子。哪队读对句子就给哪队加一分。但是,每队必须一个人读一句,不允许一个人读两句话。如果哪队的学生读不出来,就要由对方的学生读。


二、 Presentation 新知呈现


A: Look! What is Chen Jie doing?


教师问:What is Zhang Peng doing? 引导学生回答:He is watching a fish.教师说:So, he belongs to Group A.

教师指导学生将Zhang Peng的名字写进A组的名单里。 学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。 请几位学生汇报讨论结果。 参考答案:

Chen Jie is watching a bird. She belongs to Group A. John is collecting leaves. He belongs to Group B. Amy is picking up leaves. She belongs to Group B. Wu Yifan is taking pictures of the flowers. He belongs to Group B. Mike is catching butterflies. He belongs to Group A. Sarah is drawing pictures of the trees. She belongs to Group B.

2.Let’s try

教学参考时间:2-3分钟 教师用课件出示Let’s try三幅图片。

引导学生就图片内容提问:Who are they? What are they doing? 请几位同学就画面进行描述。 此时教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:Are they …?引导学生用Yes,they are. / No, they aren’t.进行回答。

教师通过提问,引出classmates一词。Eg:Are they watching their classmates? 教师板书单词,学生跟读。教师可引导学生:classmates是一个复合词,由class和mates组成,便于学生记忆。 教师播放Let’s try录音,学生听录音,选择。 教师再次播放录音,订正答案。如果学生能力能够达到,可以让学生进行原文重复。

三、Practice 巩 固 练 习

活动设计①: c.let’s say 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片如:Mike and Wu Yifan,Sarah and Amy,教师提问:Who are they?,让学生回答:They are…。

教师把catching butterflies的单词短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:Guess, What are they doing?引导学生用Are they…?猜。


请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,教师问:Are they catching butterflies?教师引导其他学生根据看到的动作判断,如果对,就回答:Yes,they are. 否则,就回答: No, they aren’t.需要注意的是,这里要选取容易做动作表现的短语。 学生理解游戏规则后,再请两名学生作一个动作,请学生试着来猜:Are they…?其他学生判断:Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:What is it?引导学生回答: It is a tree. 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说: What is it now? It is a woods. 教师板书woods,学生跟读单词。

教师在小树林里画两个人,问:Where are they?引导学生回答: They are in the woods. 学生学说句子:Where are they? They are in the woods. 教师根据对话提出几个问题: What is John doing? Where are the students? Are they catching butterflies? Are they picking up leaves? What are his classmates doing? 教师播放录音,学生带着问题听。 学生试着回答问题。教师订正答案。 学生打开书,教师再次播放录音,学生跟读对话。 学生两人或四人一组,试着仿照例子做对话。 学生到前面表演,同学之间相互评价

活动设计②a.演一演: 教学参考时间:2-3分钟 学生打开书,试着自己朗读Let’s talk部分对话。 教师播放录音,学生跟读。

教师请一名学生上来背对大家,再请两名学生上来向台下的学生展示一个单词短语,然后一起做卡片上的动作,如:catching butterflies,台下的学生一起问:What are they doing?站在前面的学生用Are they…?句型来猜卡片上的短语。


教师出示P69画面。请学生分好组,分别扮演Zoom, Miss White, Sarah, Chen Jie进行对话。

学生小组上台表演对话。 学生可自己选择最喜欢的一段或两段进行表演。(鼓励有能力的学生表演更多段)。 破译密码 编译新对话 。


1 The students ________(be) in the park now.

They are _________(take) pictures.

2 Mike and John are _________(watch)TV now.

3 What can a panda ________(do)?

Can it ________(swim) and _______(run)?

4 Her father __________(like) watching


5 What_______ (be) she doing?

She is _________(do) an experiment.


教师说:Let’s go on a field trip. OK? What do we need? 引导学生进行思考,说出他们能够想到的所有物品。(允许学生用中英文) 教师带领学生看书P78中所列的物品名称。 请学生试着读一读这些物品,如果不会读的,教师可以给予帮助。 教师结合户外野营用品介绍相关知识。



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