

时间:2023-06-13 07:26:38 文/李盛 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



_____Bb______ _____Ff______ _____Ii_____ _____Kk___________Mm_____ ______Hh_____ _____Gg_____ _____Jj_____


( )1. A. morning  B. afternoon  C. hello

( )2. A. he     B.she      C. this

( )3. A. Miss    B. Su Hai    C. Yang Ling

( )4. A. no     B. am     C. yes


( )1、你想把刘涛介绍给大家,可以说:

A. This is Liu Tao.

B. Hi, I'm Liu Tao.

( )2、下午遇到杨玲,你可以这样打招呼:

A. Good morning, Yang Ling.

B.Good afternoon, Yang Ling.

( )3、放学了,你应该对李老师说:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Li.

B.Goodbye, Miss Li.

( )4、大卫想向别人介绍自己,他可以说:

A. I'm David.

B. This is David.

( )5、你想知道对方是不是王兵,可以问:

A. He is Wang Bing.

B. Are you Wang Bing?

( )6、你告诉你爸爸杨玲是你的朋友,你会说:

A. He’s my friend.

B.She’s my friend.

( )7、向对方介绍这是你的家人,可以说:

A. She’s my family.

B. This is my family .

( )8、 下午李老师上课前会先说:

A. Good afternoon ,Miss Li.

B. Good afternoon ,class.

( )9、 向对方介绍迈克是你的朋友,可以说:

A. This is my friend ,Mike .

B. She’s Mike .

( )10、 向别人介绍海伦是你的妹妹,可以说:

A.He’s my sister, Helen.

B. She’s my sister, Helen.


( )1. Are you Mike?A. Hello, I’m Yang Ling.

( )2 .Hello. I’m Su Hai.B. No, I’m not.

( )3 .Hi, Sam.C. Good morning , Tim.

( )4 .Good afternoon, Miss Li.D. Hi, Bobby.

( )5 .This is my brother, Tim.E. Good afternoon, class.


This is my family.下午好,同学们。

Good afternoon, class.这是我的家人

Hello, Sam.你好,Sam.。

Are you Wang Bing?这是我。

This is me.你是王兵吗?


1. Are, Su Hai, you (?)


2. is, my, This, brother (。)


3. my, She’s ,sister (, .)


4. evening, Good, (, .)


5. Liu Tao, am, I (。)




_____Bb______ _____Ff______ _____Ii_____ _____Kk___________Mm_____ ______Hh_____ _____Gg_____ _____Jj_____


( )1. A. morning  B. afternoon  C. hello

( )2. A. he     B.she      C. this

( )3. A. Miss    B. Su Hai    C. Yang Ling

( )4. A. no     B. am     C. yes


( )1、你想把刘涛介绍给大家,可以说:

A. This is Liu Tao.

B. Hi, I'm Liu Tao.

( )2、下午遇到杨玲,你可以这样打招呼:

A. Good morning, Yang Ling.

B.Good afternoon, Yang Ling.

( )3、放学了,你应该对李老师说:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Li.

B.Goodbye, Miss Li.

( )4、大卫想向别人介绍自己,他可以说:

A. I'm David.

B. This is David.

( )5、你想知道对方是不是王兵,可以问:

A. He is Wang Bing.

B. Are you Wang Bing?

( )6、你告诉你爸爸杨玲是你的朋友,你会说:

A. He’s my friend.

B.She’s my friend.

( )7、向对方介绍这是你的家人,可以说:

A. She’s my family.

B. This is my family .

( )8、 下午李老师上课前会先说:

A. Good afternoon ,Miss Li.

B. Good afternoon ,class.

( )9、 向对方介绍迈克是你的朋友,可以说:

A. This is my friend ,Mike .

B. She’s Mike .

( )10、 向别人介绍海伦是你的妹妹,可以说:

A.He’s my sister, Helen.

B. She’s my sister, Helen.



1--- _____ . --- I am ten.

A. How are you old?

B. How are you?

C.How old are you?  2 ---Happy Birthday! --- _____

A. I am eight

B.Happy birthday!

C. thank you.  3---The toy car is for you. --- _____

A. It isn’t my toy car.

B. Thank you

C.Ok  4--- _____ is your teacher? ---She’s in Room 312.

A. Where

B. How

C. What  5---Happy birthday, Janet. The toy rabbit is _____ you. ---Thank you.

A. near

B. beside

C. for  6 Sally’s eyes _____ blue.

A. do

B. is

C. are  7 _____ this face. It’s funny!

A. Look

B. Look in

C. Look at


A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Do you have a telephone? D. May I use your telephone number? E. Happy birthday.

Yes, here you are.()

I am five.()

Thank you()

I am fine. Thank you.()

Yes, I do.()


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