

时间:2023-06-10 16:57:24 文/莉落 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



1. 太小 ______________

2. 那么大 ______________

3. 在六点四十分 ___________

4. 九双袜子 ______________

5. 回家 ______________

6. try on ______________

7. Don’t worry. ______________

8. have breakfast ______________

9. It’s late. ______________

10. Shall we …? ______________


1. ____ my bike.


B.Look at


2. The jacket ____ too long.

A. is

B. are


3. — ____ shoes ____ they? — Helen’s.

A Who; are

B Whose; are

C What; are

4. —____ do you watch TV? — At 7 o’clock.

A. What’s time

B. What’s the time

C. What time

5. It’s ____. It’s time to go to school.

A. seven-twenty-five

B. seven twenty five

C .seven twenty-five

6. She _____ so funny.

A. look




1. pair,this,of,shoes,is,pretty(.)

2. at,I,to,go,nine,bed(.)

3. is,time,what,the,please(?)

4. jeans,whose,they,are (?)

5. time,do,what,you,watch,TV(?)


A:David,w __watch is t__ ?

B:Let me see. Oh, it’s m__ watch. Thank you.

A: N__ at all. Oh, it’s f__ now.

It’s t __to go home. Bye!

B: See you.


一、Read and write(写出下列单词的过去式)

1、 go________ 2、break ________

3 、cut________ 4、 win ________

5 、put________ 6 、fall _________

7 、hurt ________ 8、 run ________

9、come ________ 10、 buy________

二、Read 、choose and write(选词填空)

went, cut, washed, fell , bumped

1、We _________to the Great Wall.

2、She________her finger.

3、He his trousers yesterday.

4、Then she _______ her head.

5、 She _______off her bike.

三、Read 、choose and write(选词填空)

invent didn’t invent

1、American people ________________ this bicycle.

2、English people _____________ this bicycle.

3、English people _____________ paper.

4、Chinese people ______________ paper.

四、Read and choose(选择填空)

( )1. Where ______ she live?

A. does B. had C. did

( )2. Yesterday _____ National Day.

A. make B. was C. took

( )3. He invented this bicycle _____1839.

A. on B. with C. in

( )4. Children from England are .

A. American B. English C. Chinese

( )5.I’ve _______ stomach ache.

A. get B. got C.make

五、Read and choose(阅读并选择答案)

Ma Liang was a good boy. He helped people. He had a paintbrush. It was magic. This old woman didn’t have food. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food was real. There was a bad man. He didn’t help people. He took Ma Liang’s magic paintbrush. The bad man didn’t have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. But it didn’t make gold. It made a snake!

( )1. Ma Liang was a ________ boy.

A. good B. bad C. naughty

( )2. Ma Liang had a __________.

A. ship B. dog C. paintbrush

( )3. The paintbrush was _________.

A. bad B. magic C. new

( )4. The bad man wanted to paint __________.

A. food B. a snake C. gold

( )5. But the magic paintbrush made___________.

A. food B. a snake C. gold

六、 Make sentences(仿造例句造句)

例句: I finished my homework.

I didn’t finish my homework.

1、I helped my mum.

2、 I cleaned my room.

3、She played the flute.

4、She watched TV.


一、 画一画

A.sunny B.windy C.rainy D.snowy E.cloudy


1、It ______hot. A.are B.am C.is

2、Here is the _______report. A. sunny B. windy C.weather

3、Can I wear my skirt today?________.

A. Yes,you can. B. No,you can. C. Put on your skirt.

4、What are you doing?____________.

A. Not much. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s sunny.

5、Is it cold__________in shimen ?

A. Yes,it is. B. Yes,it isn’t. C. No,it is.

6、What’s the weather like_________Beijing? A.in B.at C.on


1、today is warm It (.)

2、 put I new my Can jacket (?)

3、the weather What’s in like Linshu(?)

四、Write a report (写报告)

My home is . It’s today .

Let’s .You wear .

I wear


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