

时间:2023-06-11 03:00:05 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




(1)____ b (2)_____ u (3) Y _____ (4) K______ (5) X______


(1) Cc______ Ee (2)______Ll_______ (3)_______Qq_________


byo _____ gril______ firend______ rluer______ pencil-csae______


te__cher b__d brea____ doo___ ch___cken

门 鸡肉 教师 床 面包


beef, fish, book, kitchen, mother, sister, living room, bag, rice, study

1.family member(家庭成员):__________ ___________

2.food(食品): ________ _________ __________

3.school things(学习用品): ______ _______

4.room(房间):_______ ________


1. What’s your father? A. Sure, here you are.

2. How many books do you have? B. Yes, she is.

3. May I have a look? C. I have

4. What would you like? D. He is a doctor.

5. Is she in the study? E. I’d like some beef.


( )1. 你叔叔是做什么的?

A. What’s your uncle? B. Who’s your uncle?

( )2. 你想要什么?

A. What do you like? B. What would you like?

( )3. 晚饭吃什么? A. What’s for dinner? B. What’s dinner?

( )4. 我的笔记本在哪里? A. Where is my Chinese book? B. Where is my notebook?

( )5. 这位司机在书房里。 A. The driver is in the study. B. The teacher is in the kitchen.


How Can I Pay You


One day, a poor man is taking a bag of rice to a town. The rice is on the back of his horse but it falls down. The rice is too heavy to lift and he doesn’t know what to do. He only hopes someone can give him some help.

一天,一个穷人正带着一袋米去镇上。大米放在马背上但它掉了下来。大米太重了抬不动,穷人不 知怎么办才好。他只想有人会给他些帮助。

After a while, a man riding a horse comes. But he is a rich man living nearby. The poor man hopes another farmer will come. But the rich man sees him and says to him, “You need my help, right?” And he helps the poor man lift the rice onto the horse’s back.

过了一会儿,一个人骑着马走过来。但是他是住在附近的一个富人。穷人希望另一个农民过来。但 是富人看到了他并对他说,“你需要帮助,对吗?”他帮穷人把米抬到马背上。

“Sir, how can I repay you?” the poor man says.


“It’s easy, when you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.”



on the back of 在……的背上

fall down 掉下

lift v. 抬,举

after a while 过了一会儿

nearby adv. 附近

in trouble 遇到麻烦


1. The poor man puts the rice on the ______ of the horse.

2. When the rice falls down, the poor man hopes ________ can give him some ______.

3. The rich man helps the poor man _____ the rice onto the horse’s back.



1、步 行_________________ 2、去车站__________________

3、去那儿 ___________________ 4、去医院__________________

5、好主意 ___________________ 6、在学校__________________

7那家图书馆______________ 8 Are you free now? ________________

9 go to the theatre ______________ 10、We‘re late .________________


1、小学四年级英语暑假作业题:This boy is Tom.________a good boy.

A. He B. She C. He’s D. She‘s

2、_______ _______ free now? Yes,she is.

A. Are you B. Is he C. Is she

3、--________ .--It’s a pear.

A.Who is this? B. Whose pear is this

C. What‘s this? D. What are these?

4、_______boys and girls in your class?

A. How much B. How many C. How old

5、Jack is ________ student. He’s _________ English boy.

A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an

6、_______we go to the theatre by plane?

A. What B. How C. Shall

7、______shirt is that? It‘s my sister’s.

A. What BL Who C. Whose

8、Is the train ________ Beijng?

A. to B. in C. for

9、_______her mother‘s name ? Wang Tao.

A. Who’s B. What‘s C. What

10、______a new teacher? Yes,I am.

A. Are your B. Are you C. Is he


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