

时间:2023-06-14 17:43:11 文/马振华 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


一、1. r   2. m    3. t   4. l    5. p

6. W  7. DVD  8. HK  9. AM   10. UV

二、1. art room    2. student     3. hear    4. train   5. shelf

6. what      7. policeman    8. Miss    9. hall   10. pink

三、1. My doll has a purple coat.

2. Mr Li is a shop assistant.

3. Is she a doctor?

4. What colour are the walls?

5. What can you smell?

四、1. Are you a student?

2. What colour are the curtains?

3. What do you do in the playground?

4. Do you like this skirt?

5. Is Mrs Fu a shop assistant?


Here is a present for you. 这是送给你的礼物。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Merry Christmas, Mom. 妈妈圣诞快乐。

You, too. 你也是。

Merry Christmas, mom. You, too.

Here is a present for you. Thank you.

Merry Christmas, Li Hua.

You, too. Santa Claus!

Here is a present for you. Thank you.

Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!

The same to you.  你也一样。

Paper-cuts made for you .

Dragon dance and lanterns too.

Hello! I'm Lisa. I'm in Toronto. Merry Christmas!


I'm Leo. I'm in Sydney. Merry Christmas! 我是Leo.我在悉尼。圣诞快乐!

Grandma and Grandpa, happy Spring Festival! I'm happy in Beijing.


We are happy in Hong Kong. 我们在香港很快乐。

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 我们祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

It's Christmas today.  今天是圣诞节。

Monkey, merry Christmas! 猴子,圣诞快乐!

You too.  你也是。

Here is a present for you. 这是送给你的礼物。

Thank you.  谢谢你。

Colour it blue. 把它涂上蓝色。

Bear, a present for you, too. 小熊,我也送给你一个礼物。

Huh? Thank you! 啊?谢谢!

How funny!   真有趣!

What is it? 它是什么?



I have a friend. He is wearing a green T-shirt. Who is he?


He's Andy. 他是Andy.

Dad, I have a new classmate. 爸爸,我有一个新同学。

What is he like? 他长什么样子?

He is tall.  他个子很高。

Joy, we have a new classmate, Ted.  Joy,我们有个新同学。

What is he like? 他长什么样子?

He is tall. 他个子高高的。

Yaoyao, look! Who is he? Yaoyao, 看!他是谁?

He is our new classmate, Ted. 他是我们的新同学,Ted。

Bill, this is our new classmate, Ted.


Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你(们)。

Hi! I'm Ted. I'm from Canada. 嗨!我是Ted。我来自加拿大。

Hi! I'm Joy. Nice to meet you. 嗨!我是Joy。很高兴见到你。

I'm from China. 我来自中国。

I'm from Britain. 我来自英国。

I'm from America. 我来自美国。

I'm hungry. 我饿了。

Oh, delicious...噢,太香了。

Elephant! There is a monster! 大象!这有个妖怪!

What is he like? 他长什么样子? He is big. 他个子大大的。

He is tall. 他个子高高的。 He is ugly. 他丑丑的。

Look! He is Monkey! 看!他是猴子! I'm sorry. 我很抱歉。

That's OK. 没关系。 We are friends. 我们是朋友。

There is a lake in the park! 公园里有一面湖水。


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