

时间:2023-06-03 21:18:24 文/莉落 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



本课选自义务教育课程标准实验教学用书(外研社)八年级上册Module8 Unit 2, Around town。本模块以出行旅游为话题,通过大量的语言材料集中展示了问路、指路、对某一区域进行描述的语言表达方式。Unit 2是一篇阅读课文,向学生介绍了英国伦敦的一些名胜古迹。在让学生阅读文章并能找出伦敦著名景点的基础上,强化对某一区域进行描述的语言表达能力。同时,在阅读的基础上进行创造性课堂活动,进行小组讨论和互助。最后,让学生向外来参观者描述大连或自己学校具体位置和路径,既增强爱家乡,爱学校的主人翁意识,又能鼓励学生进行发散性思维,提高语言输出能力。 【理论依据】


【教学目标、方法手段】 1.教学目标

(1) 语言知识目标:能够指路、对某一区域进行描述;能够学会一些新的词汇;通过阅读了解英国伦敦一些名胜古迹。

(2) 语言技能目标:能正确运用阅读策略,高效阅读文章;能够读懂对地图的描述,读懂对某一地方的描述;能够通过书面表达给别人指路;能够根据地图讲清路线、描述某个地点的位置。

(3) 学习策略:能够将语言学习与实际应用结合起来;问路和指路应该有礼貌;学习使用地图。

(4) 情感态度:乐于参加应用英语的实践活动,融入老师所设的情景中,乐于接触并了解异国文化。

(5) 文化意识:了解英国首都伦敦的一些情况。 2.教学重点、难点及解决方法

本课的重点是读懂对地图的描述,并根据地图描述某个地点的位置,这是应用性很强的技能,在本课的教学过程中,教师要引导学生大量实践,帮助学生熟练地掌握相关语言。本课的难点是培养他们跨文化交际的意识。有效的方法是让学生去思考、去体验。教师可根据学生的层次选用以下活动:小组讨论互助,图片提示等。 3.教法和学法

采用bottom-up approach和interactive approach。设计有效的“任务型”教学活动,提供真实任务,促使学生获取,处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流,发展用英语解决实际问题的能力。 4.教学辅助手段

利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,丰富教学内容和形式,提高课堂教学效果;大量生动的图片极大地帮助学生了解英国伦敦的重要建筑,使教学更直观,更生动,更高效。 【教学过程】 1.Lead-in ? 让学生看活动3中的图片,判断文章描述的是哪个城市。然后小组活动,结合活动1中的地图和活动4中的图片,谈论他们知道的伦敦建筑.? 教师提问小组,并让学生到黑板上写下建筑物的名称: square, store, museum, the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the Tower of London, Big Ben, Tower Bridge.? 教师领读学生已经写到黑板上的本单元重要词汇,分组读,个人读。 (目的:处理生词,导入主题。) 2.Reading ? 学生默读课文,阅读后学生自己在地图上标出路线。 ? 学生以小组形式核对答案。

? 教师提问小组.答案是a.National Gallery b.Buckingham Palace c .Houses of Parliament d .London Eye e. Tower of London.? 学生熟练朗读文章,教师并对学生朗读情况进行点评.(目的:训练学生读懂指路的指示语;了解伦敦的著名建筑;培养学生看地图的能力.) 3.Writing ? 依据活动1的地图,让学生选择一地方为起点,再选择另一地方为终点,描述路线.? 学生两人一组,交换各自写的文章,确认对方行程的终点在哪里;同时互改,互评文章.? 教师再两位同学朗读自己的文章,其他同学确认他们的终点.(目的:训练学生笔头语言表达能力和口头语言表达能力----指路.) 4.Consolidation ? 阅读课外材料,在图上填充路线.? 向外地游客描述大连重要的建筑或者描述去大连中山实验学校的路径.(目的:训练学生听说读写能力,巩固学过的指路的表达方法,检验本课的教学任务是否完成.) 5.Homework 如果课堂时间有限,Consolidation中的第3项任务可留作业.【教学反思】



外研社基础知识考查仁寿二中版Module 5, Book4

一.Words.(共10题,每题2分,共20分)①.自然地②.多变的_ ③.逆流(adv)④.开发(v)⑤.传奇_⑥.寺庙⑦.高原____⑧.环绕__⑨.变狭窄⑩.极大的


三.Finish the following sentences from the texts.(共10题,每题4分,共40分)

①.They are mainly for goods and peoplealong the river.

②.We just had to show ourand they let us get on the boat.

③.The sun wasrightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region.

④.We could see the sun settingthe white pagoda.

⑤.At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of thegorges.

⑥.There was so muchalong the Yangtze River.

⑦.We took pictures andat the site, but we weren’t allowed to get off the boat.

⑧.He always chooses awith a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp.

⑨.There are hundreds of little redstuck in it.

⑩.There’s ain the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off.

四.Try to translate the following sentences and fill in the blanks.(共5题,每题2分,共10分)

①.You mustevery opportunity to learn new things.

②.They went through manyduring the war.

③.Around the fire were more than 30and their parents.

④.When rippd off, you’d better turn to thefor help.

⑤.New laws willthe gap between rich and poor.

五.Try to fill in the blanks using some proper words.(共5题,每题2分,共10分)

①.We could only see small boatsthe.

②.I heard the birds singingthea smake.

③.I’m not afraidthe.

④.He happened to betheyesterday.

⑤.I had taken my father’s advice.


一、Teaching Demands and Aims(教学目标)

二、Teaching important and difficult point (教学重点)




三、Teaching Aids (教具)

四、Teaching procedures(教学过程) Greeting(问候) warm up(热身) Review(复习) New Leon(新课) Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Follow up(叮咛)


作 业 的 布 置







2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,接着报朗诵单元,然后录作业内容,最后与老师说再见。(如:Hello! Amanda.I am Go go.This is Unit 11??? Goodbye! Amanda!)


(1)书面记录:边听边把学生的错音登记在学生手册上。 (2)修正过程:

A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读 B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流 C:提出问题。

D:结束Say:“ Good bye! ”




(1)本周学习单词及课文的朗诵。 (2)词句的翻译。 (3)疑难解答。 (4)家长的经验交流。


初中英语教案(八下 unit 2) Teaching goals: 1.Words &phrases: keep out , loud, argue, What’s wrong? Football, either, except, themselves, include,

2.情态动词could/should的用法.3.Why don’t you …? 结构表建议的应用。 4.如何谈论问题及提出建议。


Important and difficult points: 1.should/could 情态动词的用法。 2.如何提出建议。

Teaching aids: a tape recorder ,cards.Period 1 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings and free talk 2.Check the homework Step 2 Pre-task T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money.What should I do? Ss think it over , and try to give his/her advice.Write their advice on the Bb.1.Borrow one.2.Buy a second-hand guitar.3.Get a part-time job.4.Don’t buy a guitar.5.Wait until next year.Practice reading the advice by the Ss.导入:In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice – to tell people what we think they should do.Step 3 While – task SB Page 10, 1a 1.Read the instructions to the Ss.2.Read the problems by the Ss.3.Ask Ss to write the problems in the “serious” or “Not serious” columns.4.Explain.5.Talk about the answers with the cla.Practice reading.SB Page 10, 1b

Make sure the Ss understand what should they do.Play the tape twice.Ss circle the problems they hear.Play the tape a third time.Check the answers.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 10, 1c Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations.Step 5 While-task SB Page 11, 2a.1.Read the instructions.Make sure the Ss understand what should they do.2.Point to the sentences below.3.Play the tape the first time.Ss only listen.Pay attention to Peter’s friend’s advice.4.Play the tape again.Ss circle “could ” or “should”.5.Correct the answers.SB Page 11, 2b.Read the instructions.Pay attention to Peter’s answers.Play the tape again.Check the answers.Step 7 Post –task Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b.Step 8 Grammar Focus Review the grammar box.Ss say the questions and the responses.Explain the differences between could/should.Homework: 1.Go over the words.2.My clothes are out of style , what should I do ? Please give the advice.



Lead in:

T: Good morning , my boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning ,teacher!

T: Before our cla, I want to ask you a question about you.OK?

Ss: OK!

T: What’s your ideal jobs in the future? Ideal the Chinese meaning is 理想的.Is it a teacher ?Doctor ?or something else? And tell me why

Ss1: My ideal job is driver.Because it’s very coll!

Ss2: My ideal job is .....


T: Good! Your ideal jobs are very great! I hope your dream jobs can come true! If you r ideal job is a doctor or something else .What should we do now? How make it come true? If you don;’t know.It doesn’t matter.Let us to our new leon “Unit 6I’m going to study computer science’.(写板书 标题写上)


T: Just now, we said some jobs about ourselves, now look at the PPT.There are some pictures about our new words.Then find our dream jobs in it.

(呈现职业的图片 并配有英语单词)

T: Look at the picture, Who is he?

Ss: Doctor /医生

T:You are right! Read follow me :doctor

Ss: doctor...

T:And this one ?



T: Look at [1a] There are 12 jobs in it .Match them 1--12.1 is the most interesting .12 is the least interesting( 汉语翻一下)Do you understand me ? I Give you 2 minutes to finish it .

T: times up.Volunteer! Who want to share your choice?(提问两名同学)

T:Do you find something in common in these 12 jobs ?(老师引导)

S: 有的职业加er 有的加or 有的加ist....

T:Excellent! You did the good job !(中文讲解)

N/v + or( visitor, ..)doctor 不是这样变化

Er ( driver , worker, singer...)

Ist ( pianist, scientist...)

还有许多特殊变化的 需要我们特殊记忆。

当我们在以后的学习和考试时 看见er or ist 时 我们就可以猜测 它是什么意思。


Look at [1b] Listen to the tape.Fill in the blanks and match them .

T: Check the answers.(提问四个同学 一个人一句话)

T: Read it together.


Just now , our students said their dream jobs in the future.I had a dream job when I was a little girl .I want to be a dancer.But I am very fat now .It just a dream for me ! What a pity! Because I

didn’t do anything for it .If you want to make our dreams come true .What should we do ? Look at [1c] First read it with you desk mates .Latter I will check you .


(找同学翻译讲知识点) A: How are you going to do that?

B: I’m going to practice basketball every day

T: want to be +职业 表示想要成为什么样的人

举例:I want to be a singer .(提问同学造句)

T: grow up长大 生长

T: 一般将来时 表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态其中的一个构成 be going to +V原 表示计划打算去做某事, 常与表示将来的时间状语连用 比如说: tomorrow, next week ...还与when 引导的时间状语联用


I’m going to go shopping with my mom.

(提问 多练)

T:How are you going to do that ?

I ‘m going to ...

问怎么做 要给出自己的具体做法


Make a conversation like 【1c】


Summary: today we learned some new words and new structures .Now look at the PPT .Read follow me.

Homework : remember the new words

Make a dialogue like[1c]


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