

时间:2023-06-17 07:45:45 文/阿林 邀请函北考网www.beiweimall.com


dear dr. xxxx

  it is my pleasure to invite you as a visit scholar(or postdoc) to visit , from xx-xx to xx-xx. .

  i understand you will be supported by a scholarship from the china scholarship council.

  you will be performing research under my direction, and with members of my group, on the fields of xxxxx .

  you shall be provided an office and access to our lab and other research facilities as appropriate.

  we look forward to your visit.



Dr. XX

  Mailbox XX

  XXXXX University XX, XX, P. R. China, Zipcode

  Dear Dr. XXXX

  It is my pleasure to invite you as a visit scholar(or postdoc) to visit , from XX-XX to XX-XX. .

  I understand you will be supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council.

  You will be performing research under my direction, and with members of my group, on the fields of XXXXX .

  You shall be provided an office and access to our lab and other research facilities as appropriate.

  We look forward to your visit.



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