

时间:2023-06-06 00:20:14 文/秦风学 邀请函北考网www.beiweimall.com




  thanks for you and your company supports our hotel as always. we are going to arrange a cocktail party just for you at our ____ floor, we are looking forward your coming.



  联系人contact person:__________




  sales & marketing depart


  ____ hotel



  9 July xx

  First name last name

  School of Business xx University ADRESS

  Nanjing, Jiangsu P.R. China

  Dear Professor x,

  We are pleased to invite you to serve as a Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University. Your affiliation will be with Accountancy Program, housed in the School of Accountancy (in the W. P. Carey School of Business), and directed by Professor xx.

  Your appointment will begin on 30 September 20xx and continue through 29 September 20xx. We understand the objectives of your visit will be to participate in research in the arears of taxation and behavioral accounting and auditing.

  We understand from you that you have adequate financial resources from your home university and other sources for your visit. We cannot provide you with financial support of any kind. However, ASU will provide you with library access, Internet access, and very likely can provide you with a desk (perhaps shared) and limited access to a networked printer. We suggest you bring a personal laptop, if possible, as we do not have computers available for visitors. You are also welcome to attend any classes you like at ASU, provided the instructor agrees.

  Professor xx has agreed to serve as your Faculty Sponsor. He/she will be able to advise you regarding courses and any other matter which may be of interest or concern.

  Your immediate family members, i.e. your husband: Surname: x, First name: x, Date of Birth:x, x; and your daughter, Surname: x, First name: x, Date of Birth: x, may accompany you.

  We welcome you and look forward to your visit.





  为感谢您及贵公司对我们长期以来的支持与厚爱,我们将在装修一新xx楼空中酒廊举办商务客户答谢会,尽情期待您的.光临!thanks for you and your company supports our hotel as always. we are going to arrange a

  cocktail party just for you at our newly decorated sky lounge on xxth floor, we are looking forward your coming.



  联系人contact person:




  February 1, 20xx

  Consulate General ofCanada

  Consular Section

  Dear Visa Officer,

  We are cordially inviting Mr. Wang Dawei, Vice President, Business ABCD Consulting and Sales Productions ( the name invitees company) to visit Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on Monday April 3 through April 17, 20xx. During this trip he will meet with our company representative to discuss the sale and distribution of products.[访问目的(如需长期逗留,请解释原因)]

  Mr. Wang Dawei Information:[ information of the person being invited,全名/ complete name,生日/ date of birth,职务及所代表的公司,该人的住址电话(工作/住宅)]

  [ information of你公司与被邀人的商务关系,、以前合作过的项目及历史/ your company’s relationship to the invitee and your business history together,你是否与该人相知,关系如何whether you know the visitor personally, and if you are related]

  Deltatrack Technology, Inc. assumes all financial responsibility for any debts incurred by Mr. Wang Dawei while traveling on business in Canada.

  I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.


  Quentin Huloo

  Senior Vice President

  Deltatrack Technology, Inc.


Dear Sir / Madam:

  Good day ! How are you?

  We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at (地点) from April xx to xx xx(展会日期).

  Exhibition Center : xxx xxx xxx

  Booth Number : xxx xxx xxx

  Date : xx xx to xx xx

  Thank you very much for your attention.

  sincerely yours,

  [name] :邀请人名字

  [title] :邀请人公司


  It is hereby to invite Mr. CHEN with passport No. Gxxxxxxxx, born in September 22nd, 1973, to XXX Co., Ltd from 10th Jan.

  20×× for some business with us to develop new products. All expenses will be covered by Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. during his stay in U.S..

  Yours sincerely,

  General Manager


  It is hereby to invite Mr. CHEN with passport No. Gxxxxxxxx, born in September 22nd, 1973, to XXX Co., Ltd from 10th Jan. 20xx for some business with us to develop new products. All expenses will be covered by Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. during his stay in U.S..

  Yours sincerely,

  General Manager



  Dear Sir / Madam:

  Good day ! How are you?

  We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at (地点) from April ** to ** **(展会日期).

  Exhibition Center (展会中心地址): *** *** ***

  Booth Number(展会摊位号) : *** *** ***

  Date(日期) : ** ** to ** **

  Thank you very much for your attention.

  sincerely yours,

  [name] :邀请人名字

  [title] :邀请人公司





  Thanks for you and your company supports our hotel as always。 We are going to arrange a cocktail party just for you at our newly decorated Sky Lounge on 25th floor, we are looking forward your coming。



  联系人Contact person:




  Sales & Marketing Depart


  XXX*8 Hotel

  年 月 日


Dear Sir / Madam:

  Good day ! How are you?

  We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at (地点) from April ** to ** **(展会日期).

  Exhibition Center (展会中心地址): *** *** ***

  Booth Number(展会摊位号) : *** *** ***

  Date(日期) : ** ** to ** **

  Thank you very much for your attention.

  sincerely yours,

  [name] :邀请人名字

  [title] :邀请人公司


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