

时间:2023-06-16 06:42:45 文/孙小飞 邀请函北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Good afternoon from China. I am David McMullan (Englishman) the Export Manager of the xxx factory.

  To date I am the only Englishman employed in this capacity in China, I am not an agent or a distributor I am employed directly by the factory and as such offer factory prices.

  I have written to you because in the last year you have requested information on our products. If you no longer require info on such products please drop me a line and I'll not contact you again (I know how annoying spam can be).

  I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you to have a look at our exhibition stand at the Canton fair, if you are attending and wish to see out range of products (or pick up a catalogue) please make your way to stand no 21-1 G32&33 where there will be a drink or a hot cup of tea waiting for you.

  If you are not able to attend but would like to see our range of products,please send me an email detailing your requirements and I'll put an e-catalogue together for you. Contact me at xxxx@gmail.com

  Once again, sorry if this email is an inconvenience, my only agenda is to provide cheap reliable products for export to the world market and try to cut out the communication problem that many face when trying to export from China.

  I hope to see you at the exhibition, if not enjoy a prosperous year and contact me if you need any more information.


David McMullan.


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