

时间:2023-06-08 14:08:27 文/孙小飞 邀请函北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Distinguished members and related enterprises:

  To help the enterprises in Shenzhen to explore the international market, understand foreign industry production and market cutting-edge information, strengthen international economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, Shenzhen Baoan District Creative Industry Federation by Sri Lanka National Ministry of Commerce invited, in December 20XX the organization went to Sri Lanka to study business and economic and trade negotiation activities.

  The visit will be arranged to listen to Sri Lanka National Ministry of Commerce officials to introduce Sri Lanka, the use of foreign investment policy and investment cooperation projects, a comprehensive understanding of Sri Lanka's investment environment, but also visit Sri Lanka's factories, enterprises and integrated trade market, the field of Sri Lanka's change and economic operation. During the visit will also visit Sri Lanka cultural attractions, more abundant content and travel itinerary.

  We sincerely invite the industry associations, enterprises and related units to actively participate.

  Due to the limited number of activities, please pay close attention to registration!

  Registration deadline: November 20, 2016.


  Dear Mr./Ms. :


  We would like to invite you to attend the located at on at***.It is our great honor to have you as our guest. We are hoping that we will get the same support from you.


  The event is prepared in the intention to show our acknowledgment to our most important. Therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show appreciation of your business, but it the sample time to strenghten our cooperation.


  Please come early so that we can find a comfortable seat for you. We would appreciate if you can attend this event as you are one of out top.


  Please let us know if you are attending the event or not by ***.


  Hoping for your presence on that day. We look forward meeting you. 希望您前来出席,期盼与您相见!



  Yours ***


  China Quality Certification Center

  No.15 Fangcaodi Xijie

  Chaoyang District

  Beijing 100020

  People’s Republic of China

  Invitation Letter for application of Visa at Embassy in Beijing

  To whom it may concern:

  On behalf of , it is my great pleasure to invite your delegation including the following persons to visit our factory in for days during the period from to of 2003 for CCC factory inspection.

  1. Members of the delegation

  Name Sex Date of Birth Organization Passport No.

  1. Schedule for factory inspection in

  Time Missions Venue

  Departure Arrival in

  Factory inspection


  The international air tickets, inland transportation of the delegation in Will be covered by . The hotel accommodation an medical insurance will be covered by China Quality Certification Center.

  The contact pweson in our office in is Mr. . His contact information is:

  We are looking forward to meeting your delegation in the United States.

  With best regards



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