

时间:2023-06-07 07:01:06 文/秦风学 邀请函北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Mr. and Mrs. John Smith

  request the honour of your presence

  at the marriage of their daughter

  Myrtle Marie


  Boris Michael Harrison

  on Sunday, the seventeenth of July

  two thousand and four

  at three o’clock

  Sacred Heart Church

  Mount Holly, New Jersey


  Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison

  request the honour of your presence

  at the marriage of

  Miss Myrtle Marie Smith

  to their son

  Mr. Boris Michael Harrison

  on Sunday, the seventeenth of July

  two thousand and four

  at three o’clock

  Sacred Heart Church

  Mount Holly, New Jersey


  Mr. and Mrs. John Smith


  Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison

  request the honor of your presence

  at the marriage of their children

  Myrtle Marie and Boris Michael

  on Sunday, the seventeenth of July

  two thousand and four

  at three o’clock

  Sacred Heart Church

  Mount Holly, New Jersey


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