院团委于201x5月14日晚 19:30在礼堂举行20xx——20xx年五四表彰暨颁奖晚会。届时,诚挚的邀请您在百忙之中参加本次晚会,并担任晚会嘉宾。
20xx年5月12日 ××××××××××××××××××
dear 。。。。
the period of training in my laboratory will be for 12 months beginning in september of 2010. it is my understanding that your stipend and health insurance will be covered by a scholarship from china. i will provide the necessary funds for the supplies required for you to undertake research within my group. no tuition payment will be required by t。。。
i would also like to point out in this letter that i am satisfied that you(。。。)meet our standards in english language proficiency for foreign students. we are looking forward to the time that you will spend with us. i have no doubt that you will make a valuable contribution to our research. yours sincerely,
to whom it may concern,
mr. xx’s visit period will be up to 18 months, from september, 2010 to february, 2012.
mr. xx’s expenses in the us including travel, living and health-care for the duration of his visit will be fully covered by the china scholarship council. there is no tuition requirement for visiting scholars.
mr. xx will focus, during his stay at xx, on the mobile internet applications and the location based services under my supervision. mr. xx’s visit will help several ongoing projects. he will collaborate with other team members under my advice, as well as my students.
please facilitate the paper work necessary to process his visit.
thank you very much.
xx xx
dear ***
the period of training in my laboratory will be for 17 months from september of 2010 to february, 2012. it is my understanding that your stipend and health insurance will be covered by a scholarship from china. i will provide the necessary funds for the supplies required for you to undertake research within my group. no tuition payment will be required by 。。。。 university. we have an active program in ×××. your specific project would involve ×××.i would also like to point out in this letter that i am satisfied that you(。。。)meet our standards in english language proficiency for foreign students. we are looking forward to the time that you will spend with us. i have no doubt that you will make a valuable contribution to our research.
yours sincerely,
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