

时间:2023-07-19 06:17:19 文/马振华 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Everybody is good, I will tell you: is the topic of "my summer vacation life"

  In the two months summer vacation, I happy like a bird. Just have a holiday, I went back to their hometown and good friends to play for a few days, returned to the cieme. Because mom and dad give me a guitar class. There, I have been learning and happy, fantasy, one day I also can play a song on the stage, won the audience's applause. Learning the guitar is writing homework, some students go out to play, practice, watch TV, go to the library to borrow books, and so on.

  For a time, I a person at home is boring, just help my mother do some housework, night, just hanging my mother taught me to cook. Mother said that I am a spare not "birds".






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