

时间:2023-07-14 16:14:29 文/秦风学 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  ordinary happpiness

  good morning everyone:

  as we all know, happiness is something that every person is chasing. i always try my best to find out what is the true meaning of happiness. and i think i got it last week.

  it was an ordinary saturday morning. i felt a little tired because of the preparation for the mid-term exams. it was not long before my mother came in with a large bunch of white roses picked from the seller’s gardon. during the next few minutes, we were both busy putting them into a big cley case. looking at the flowers, i found the dark sitting room became bright, so did my mood, just like a person gets some fresh air when he feels dizzy. all the feeling of boredom flew away.

  then i remember a poem named “life could be worse”, which said:” for the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means i have been capable of working hard. for my alarm that goes of in the early hours, because it means i am alive. and finally, for too much e-mail, because it means i have friends who are thinking of me. “i learnt that happiness is not the diamond in a necklace, nor a dream far away, it’s just your attitude towards life.

  if you realize it, a simple cup of cola with ice can bring you a cool summer, for happiness is so ordinary that it’s right in the palm of your hand.

  thank you!








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