

时间:2023-07-11 03:49:36 文/秦风学 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The classmates:

  Hello, everyone. Today, the topic of my speech is: friendship.

  Whether sentimental verse, beautiful article, or the joy of leisure, what all can't take the place of close friendship. This is Russia - the famous writers pushkin said a word. Friend, have you ever thought about, honest valuable, the friendship is the normal psychological need. A famous British writer made such an analogy: "if you have an apple, I have an apple, each other exchange, so, everyone has only one apple; if you have a thought, I have a thought, exchange each other, and each of us has two ideas, even more than the two thoughts." It is enough to prove, the friendship makes one share more joy and happiness, help resolve problems and sad, also can promote our progress.

  Among friends, however, must be in trouble. Can not stand the test of not a true friendship. Therefore, the most precious friendship is this: when a friend need to help them with sincere friendship to remove the worry, dissolve the depressed, build up confidence and overcome the difficulties.

  Sincere friendship is what everyone desire, but what kind of friendship is sincere? Is genuine equality between friends, help mutual understanding, have a common pursuit. "Sincerity is the hotbed of friendship." We only in sincere to establish on the basis of equality friendship and keep it up. Help mutual understanding is the most basic content of friendship. Dickens once said that forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue. China has an old saying well said "simultaneous corresponding, sympathies." Good, common pursuit is spiritual bond, unite the people closely together.

  Can make the miles of space that intervene between a man and close friendship, the friendship can make our days together as flowing, the friendship can leave on the way we passed the deep foot sakura when young time of reincarnation gently slip from our side, leaving traces of is meaningful. That is precious memories of Egypt

  Friend, please treat every friend around you, that is always sincere in your spiritual wealth.









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