

时间:2023-07-06 23:11:33 文/阿林 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Spring Festival is our traditional festival, people called the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year. In my hometown of chaozhou, there are some special New Year customs.

  Before the New Year's eve, people are busy with four things: thank god, stock to do next, and to buy necessities. Tide vulgar, a year after the winter solstice, home to thank god. "Red peach hair next" material. Is rice and glutinous rice soak in water for a few hours, respectively, to make rice quality pine hydrophobic, remove dry stone mortar into fine powder, after dry. This is to be "red peach method next" main ingredient. Sweep up to choose an auspicious day, is an unusual thing. The Japanese, and are most busy housewives, clean up the inside and out of the room, for some years to use less cleaning.

  December 24, is the period of the legendary "heaven god". Day, every family to worship "sugar peach". A square red paper, with jelly into a peach shape, become "peach". It touch live "sovereign" du mouth, let its "some god that speaks well of us fall to the ground. Chinese New Year to worship the "Sir", also is the god. The sacrifices of god are three: "red peach hair next", "the mouse shell next", "vegetable next". "Red peach hair next" is to use green beans to shell, then grinding beans into powder, and then steamed, do next filling. "Carrots next turnip cake."

  On the afternoon of New Year's day ancestor worship, to New Year's eve. Chinese New Year, the home grown a big income, to send "lucky money" to their elders, elders to underage young players to "lucky money", so, every family, cherish the virtues of young embodies the respect for the elderly.

  In the first month, chaoshan region have blessing of god's activity, is the temple of god carried to the street parade, people set off firecrackers, burning incense, the blessing. This is chaozhou custom of Spring Festival.







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