

时间:2023-07-11 19:45:12 文/张东东 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The journey of life is very long, in this journey there may be rain, but also there will be sunny. We may fall ,but no matter what, we are experiencing. We must always go forward.

  When I first entered senior high school ,I was shy ,I had no courage to give my voice in public. Every time ,when teacher asked us to answer his question , I bent my head quickly with fear. How I want to be disappear to make teacher give chance for other students. But at one time ,the instance I lowered my head, teacher asked me to be the answerer. Everyone looked at me ,my face turned red suddenly. Standing still , I said nothing. It came as a real big surprise that I suddenly heart a blow of applause. Having thonght for a little moment, I gave my answer that is right ,

  At that time ,my mother give me a book about Liyang crazy English as my present of birstday ,then I made a determination to change myself through learn English speech to change my situation ,

  In the next day,I woke up very early.After having my breakfast,I went to the playground to practice.At that time,there were not many students on the playgound..I shouted the first sentence in my loud voice——"Good moring".The moment, the students running through turned to me and laughed.I felt very embarrassed and my face turnde to red.but there is some words always in my mind ,if you want to change you ,you must defeat youself ,defeat the 恐惧 of youself ·······Then a few days went, there were more and more students laughed at me .But I tried to ignore. I should keep going.I am also very clearly remember a day in that winter.a 学长 running after me said to me ,"Fighting. ",holding his fist.The moment, I felt my body was hot, the heart of a warm stream.Due to the words, I am more confident of myself . That winter was very warm.

  From then on, I paid more efforts to study English speech as well as many other activities, catching every little opportunity to prove myself. The god will obey the person who is working hardly by his heart. The more harder I worked, the moer progress I made in learning.

  Now, I has enough courage to be here. And I think, pains , chanllenges, difficulties and so on , are parts of our life. Being faced those, we all have no excuse to be afrid. Just keep going , do your best.Just as the lyrics of a song called Raech said, “if I could reach higher, just for one moment to touch the sky”.

  Fighting ,all of my friends, future is hold by yourself.


  I just keep goingGood morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am contestant No. 6. It’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. What I am going to talk about today is I just keep going.

  The journey of life is very long. To enrich this journey, we may enjoy success, we may suffer failure. Blessings and congratulations we may receive. Misunderstandings and sneers we may encounter. However, no matter what we are experiencing, we must always keep going, and the result won’t be bad. Here is a story:

  There was a boy who was very shy. He had no courage to speak English in public, because his pronunciation was not very good, even poor. Every time the teacher asked the students to answer questions, he always bent his head quickly with fear. How he wanted to disappear so that the teacher would ignore him and could give the chance to the other students. However, at one time, the moment he lowered his head, the teacher asked him to answer a question. Everyone looked at him, his face turned red suddenly. Standing still, he said nothing. It came as a real big surprise that he heard a shower of applause. Having struggled for a little moment, he collected enough courage and gave his answer. To his delight, the answer was perfect. The boy felt encouraged and gained a little confidence.


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