

时间:2023-06-08 09:54:26 文/李盛 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Little Prince is a book which the author write for his friend Leon Werth.So at the beginning the author said,to Leon Werth when he was a little boy,I will dedicate the book to a child from whom this grown-up grew.All grown-ups were once children.

  This narrates is lonely ,sad child’s story.The story of the little prince of life with a serious attitude,he diligentiy to clear the crater,pulling the monkey bread tree seedlings.He lives on a young star.One day he left the star which he lives,starts to travel.He passed though various stars,afterward,he arrived the Earth.And finally returned to his star.In the traveling,the little prince saw the of all forms person in the society confused:king,which loves the vanity person.The drunkard,for put behind ashamed drinks.The industrialist who only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney.Thier only common ground in the heart fills the vanity.In the travel,the little prince discovered that,the people are the places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives,they are pursuing happiness with hardship,but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side.He and the author met each other the desert,they gradually have becoming the best friend.They seek native and move together which we had already lose .


  In my happy mood, I read "Little Prince", which has benefited me a lot.

  The book "Little Prince" makes me understand that parents do leave great wealth for their children, but a man who never pick apples has an apple that can't be eaten. Most of the time it is a tragedy and a disaster. So Bill Gate and Warren Buffett did not want to leave too much money on their children, because there was no experience of the "hard money" process, and huge wealth was not a help but a disaster.

  Laozi said, "no words, no benefits, all the rest." What is the teaching of no words? Parents read books, children naturally love reading, which is "no words". What is "the benefit of inaction"? Bill Gate did not leave a penny to their children is "inaction and". Teaching is more important than language teaching. Parents love learning, constantly enrich themselves and improve themselves, and we can constantly improve their quality in every aspect.

  The little prince tells us that we should always keep our childlike innocence and keep working hard to support ourselves.


  A few days ago, my mother bought me a book "Little Prince". I like this book very much, so long as I get home, I will read it whenever I have time. After reading the book "Little Prince", I got a lot of inspiration from it.

  The whole book is like this: once a little prince lived on a planet that was only one of him, watering his roses every day. Later, the little prince left the planet to travel, and saw a lot of other strange stars on other planets. He came to the earth and saw a pilot in a desert. The little prince had deep friendship with the pilot, but he missed his rose very much. In order to leave the earth, the little prince was bitten by a snake, then the pilots have never seen him.

  After reading this book, I finally understood what a pure mind is. The little prince loved his rose deeply, so he asked the pilot to bring the mask to the sheep so that the flowers could not be eaten. For him, his rose is different from all the roses on the earth. If the flowers are gone, it is as if all the stars have lost their radiance. I really like the little prince in the book, because he has snow and pure soul. What a sincere feeling this is!

  I like this book very much, this book teaches me a lot of people, in fact, sometimes the big people do a lot of stupid things, their practice is not always right. I think in our growth process, as long as we keep a pure heart forever, we will find what we are really looking for.


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