

时间:2023-06-10 13:15:43 文/孙小飞 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com



  "Life is like a dish of chocolate, you never know what you are going to taste", this is to forrest gump's mother said.

  "Forrest gump, dozen however ran.""Forrest gump, run, run, run!"This is Jenny of forrest gump said.

  "I want to run, I just want to run."This is forrest gump said to himself.

  Forrest gump is a congenital disability and mentally disabled people, because his mother and Jenny's love, and made him grow up step by step, became a millionaire, it also and bubba and his friendship.

  Someone said that the forrest gump is stupid is as stupid does, I think is wrong, forrest gump is a little bit of luck in life, such as: during the Vietnam war, the world fell in more than a dozen incendiary bomb didn't hurt him.But what's the use of light have luck in life, forrest gump is through the day after tomorrow efforts and perseverance, and finally to become a millionaire.

  We shouldn't learn gump spirit?









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