

时间:2023-06-07 03:53:55 文/莉落 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com


  teacher’ pain, and can see that HuoDa trembled her pen when she wrote here .

  Many muslims are firmly opposed to muslims and non-muslims in love, marriage, or even because of this, they take it for granted to oppose the hui and the han nationality.But obviously, they confuse the relationship between ethnic and religious beliefs, so they cause many tragedies. There are many students around me.They love deeply with each other, but because of the nation the opposition in the home, and become tragedies one after another .All of them are the protagonist in the novel.

  In addition, I want to express some of my personal opinion. Although the national unity, although I am a Muslim, I want to tell everyone clearly that many muslims are becoming more and more stupid, more and more extremism.There is a sense of superiority in their innate character , thinking they are better than any other nations. They always try their best to find the faults of others, to criticize others, what is hated most. Real islamic culture has been twisted, and what they present to others is more of a brutal, violent, radical, split. That is why a classic literature has been criticized .


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