

时间:2023-06-11 00:05:01 文/孙小飞 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com

  The smoke had cleared the Sian incident, the history is becoming more and more far from us. But the historical significance of the Sian incident is huge, we can't forget. If it does not have the incident, the kmt-cpc cooperation anti-japanese don't know how many years later. If it does not have the incident, what will happen...

  "Xi 'an incident". In general, this drama is still adhering to the mainland for decades mainstream concepts on the value of "xi 'an incident" that the incident led to the co-ordination between the national anti-japanese, "feats, recorded history." However, don't like about the film and television play before the play to Chiang kai-shek uglification as unsightly "traitor", is no longer the "xi 'an incident" entirely down to zhang xueliang by the communist party "advocating anti-japanese" "calling", which makes it less.





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