

时间:2023-07-18 08:17:41 文/李盛 台词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1、the "Desert hoist your gravel, obscured the sun shine!" - No scars, Aoshilian“沙漠,扬起你的沙砾,遮蔽太阳的光芒吧!!” ——无疤者奥斯里安

  2、"We are St. Cleveland, the emotional revenge must not be allowed to occupy our consciousness." - Bright envoys Wuseer“我们是圣骑士,不能让复仇的情绪占据我们的'意识。” ——光明使者乌瑟尔

  3、"not born outstanding." - Aogeruimu. Destruction Hammer“没人生来杰出。” ——奥格瑞姆.毁灭之锤

  4、"Trembling bar, everyone!" - Akemengde“颤抖吧,凡人!” ——阿克蒙德

  5、"Forward, you ignorant guy! You will not die this way, my king!" - Andrew Card Keersu“退后,你们这些无知的家伙!你不会就这样死的,我的国王!” ——克尔苏加德

  6、"Finally, I finally liberated myself……" - Geluomu. Hell growl“最后,我终于解放了我自己……” ——格罗姆.地狱咆哮

  7、"Traitors? In fact, I only betrayed the people!" - Yilidan. Angered the wind“叛徒?事实上,我才是被背叛的人!” ——伊利丹.怒风

  8、"race does not mean that glory, I have seen the best of Orcs, have seen the most despicable human beings." - Shiliao. Fuding“种族不代表荣耀,我见过最高尚的兽人,也见过最卑劣的人类。” ——提里奥.弗丁

  9、"Now, we are one!" - Alsace & Wujiao resistance Wang Yujie

  10、“Now,we are one!!” ——阿尔萨斯&巫妖王耐奥祖

  11、"The world no longer needs my guardian, and the trauma of the earth will slowly from the back of its own, and all live in the future of the race here, only rely on their own hard." - MR Di-Wen“这个世界已经不再需要我这个守护者了,大地的创伤,会由它自己慢慢的回复,而各个生存在这里的种族的未来,就只有靠他们自己的努力了。” ——麦迪文


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