

时间:2023-06-12 03:34:37 文/阿林 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1. Your telegram just received is quite unintelligible.

  2. Please repeat your wire on receipt of this, stating your meaning more clearly.

  3. Your telegram is not clear; explain the third and fourth words.

  4. Your telegram is unintelligible; repeat more fully in plain language.

  5. Your cable is not clear, repeat, using the codes agreed upon (on)。

  6. We cannot understand your telegram; state the code used and which edition.

  7. Your telegram is not signed with cipher as agreed on; confirm if correct.

  8. We cannot trace the code you used; please repeat the telegram in plain words.

  9. Your telegram is too short to be understood. Please repeat it more fully.

  l0. The telegram was vague (pointless), and they requested them to explain in plain words


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