Dear X,
My decision to apply for a degree course in Accounting and Finance stemsfrom my research in the college library and my career aspiration to become achartered accountant. I particularly enjoy administrative work, numerical andstatistical exercises, and opportunities to work with others as a team. I amconfident that these strengths and transferable skills will be developed in adegree course, and valuable in my subsequent career
In order to get a head start, I have arranged a two-week work experienceprogramme with Ahmed and Co accountancy, which provides services for well-knownrestaurants, cafes and other businesses. These two week work experience willprovide me with a greater understanding of the basic skills required of anaccountant, and introduce me to techniques such as cash balance appraisal,budgetary control and current cost accounting
I am currently studying A- Level ICT and History and AS- Level Urdu andBusiness Studies. Studying AS-Level Business Studies will provide thefoundations and understanding of real life problems faced by businesses and theright solutions that are used by professional businesses in order to succeed andA-Level in ICT will give me a better understanding of advanced technologyavailable that can be used in order to process more easily with less timeconsuming
I am a very active sportsman, taking advantage all sports facilities thatmy college provides. I have represented my college in cricket, football,basketball and cross-country and the medals, certificates and trophiesaccomplished can represent these. I hope to take these achievements further byrepresenting the university in the sports facilities it will provide and byachieving more medals and trophies as possible
I believe university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learningin a challenging environment so I am applying for a degree in accounting andfinance, which will enable me to acquire the skills required to understand theworld of business and help me become a chartered accountant
I look forward to the challenge of a demanding degree course, and amconfident that I have the personal qualities and academic motivation to make asuccess of it.
Yours sincerely,
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