

时间:2023-06-02 01:44:26 文/李盛 申请书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear x,

  My three major interests and passions are Computer Science, Maths andMusic, and I believe that there is a creative fusion between all thesedisciplines. I engage wholeheartedly in these areas both in my school coursesand out of school, and hope that I will be able to continue doing so on mychosen course and in the extra-curricular opportunities at university.

  Computer Science has quite naturally come to be my chosen field. At the ageof 7, I took to playing the piano, which planted the first seeds of my interestin defined logical patterns and structure. My introduction to computing was viathe logic of spreadsheets, but I then progressed to using BASIC for severalapplications outside lessons, including programming my own version of ‘Logo’ andan analogue clock. A major recent achievement of mine has been designing adatabase-driven website for my school’s Maths department, including multi-formathomework question publication and report generation. This is extensively used bythe department, and other departments have approached me to provide them withsimilar websites. This project was nominated and then short-listed for the finalten of the New Statesman’s “New Media (Educational)” award.

  I look forward to studying Artificial Intelligence, and have made my ownminor foray into this area by designing and developing a computer-poweredConnect 4 player using a complex ‘minimax’ procedure. I also investigated‘recurring function execution’ to simulate the ‘fill’ function of a paintpackage, an algorithm of which was used to develop a ‘random maze’ generator.Such mathematical-based logic led to an increased appetite especially forresearching the use of computing with mathematics – I extensively investigated‘perfect numbers’, determining the 8th perfect number (2305843008139952128).

  I involve myself in the full life of the school and am pleased to have waysof passing on my enthusiasms to others. I have been appointed a Maths Prefect,which involves running a weekly Maths club, and also helping younger students in‘work recovery’ sessions. I was also elected onto the School Council for 4 yearsin my previous school.

  My passion for music has further developed in secondary school and led toeager participation in school musical productions for four years as the mainpianist (which led to my employment as accompanist for a professional operasinger and singing teacher). I have achieved grade 8 at piano, and havethoroughly enjoyed performing regularly at a variety of venues such as weddings,retirement homes, at charity events, for the visually impaired, and most of all,the opportunity to conduct an orchestra at Fairfield Hall performing my owncomposition. I am looking forward to playing the 3rd Movement of Tchaikovsky’s1st Piano Concerto with the school orchestra this December, exhibiting my lovefor classical music, especially given that my favourite works are those ofDebussy and Tchaikovsky.

  I was delighted recently when I was given the opportunity to combine mymusical pursuits and computer interests by my employment for a commercialsoftware company writing music. I have much appreciated being able to develop myabove interests alongside enjoyment of hobbies such as Table-tennis, chess, andreading of a broad spectrum of books.

  Yours sincerely,


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