

时间:2023-06-10 22:52:36 文/马振华 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


Dear Sir or Madam,

  Mr. Wang Wei, a teacher of English at your school, told me that your school is recruiting some new teachers. I am very interested in being a math teacher and would like to be considered for the position enclosed in my resume.

  Math has been my specialty throughout my undergraduate studies at Nanjing Normal University. At university, I studied hard and score as for almost all the course I took, for which I was awarded the title of Honor Student several time. Besides, I was very much interested in extra-curricula activities on campus. Actually, I was elected as the chairman of Student Union of Math Department in the third and fourth years of my university studies. I enjoy team work as well as independent research work, and I’m eager to assist you in whatever capacity bests serves your interests.

  I am available to come in for an interview at your earliest convenience. You may contact me at the address on the letterhead.

  Yours truly,

  Li Ming


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