Dear Javier,
I can still remember our first time together, the pletely changed my life around.
Just me and left me lost and alone. So, hopletely true and I really do love you. So please try to understand me on those days that get so hard on us and things don't almitted, 'cause etimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!
Your darling,
To: G.J.P. ~ From: Melissa
Dear G.J.P.,
Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can't stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you ents our very first kiss to our last. I miss the ents no it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself : Aura
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