

时间:2023-07-06 15:20:53 文/阿林 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Aniston & Vaughn break up, report says

  Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn co-stars in the movie "The Break-Up".

  Representatives for Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn have confirmed that the Hollywood couple has called it quits.

  "Jennifer and Vince mutually agreed to end their relationship but continue to be good friends," said representatives Stephen Huvane and John Pisani, according to People.com, in a story posted Tuesday.

  Their representatives said the former co-stars decided to end their romance after Aniston visited Vaughn in London in October.

  Aniston, 37, and Vaughn, 36, spent much of the last year and a half battling rumors about their relationship, first that it was starting, then that it was headed toward marriage, and most recently that it was sputtering.

  The actors met while filming "The Break-Up" in 2005. Reports of a romance quickly swirled, but the two initially said they were simply friends.

  They were spotted together in various places over the ensuing months but said little about their liaison. Still, by this summer, they were denying whispers of an engagement.

  Within months, they were denying that they were breaking up. In October, Vaughn threatened to sue British and American tabloid newspapers that had reported that he was breaking it off with Aniston and had been seen kissing a lady with blond hair. 珍妮弗·安妮斯顿和文斯·沃恩的发言人日前证实,这对好莱坞情侣已宣布分手。








  co-star : 联袂主演

  ensuing : following(接着的;接下来的)


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