

时间:2023-06-18 12:08:19 文/黄飞 句子大全北考网www.beiweimall.com



  ●To begin with, we must attach the greatest importance possible to this issue/fact (key word).

  ●As is well known to all, it is now high time that we took this (topic word) into serious consideration.






  I think …

  I hope…

  He does it.

  He will take it



  Because he is very much determined, he will carry it out this time. (原因)

  比较:He is very much determined. He will carry it out this time.


  The weather being fine, a large number of people went sightseeing.

  比较:The weather is fine. A large number of people went sightseeing.

  Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China.

  比较:Africa is the second largest continent. Its size is about three times that of China.


  To be or not to be, that is a question. (莎士比亚)

  To study or not to study, that is much different.(引申)

  To do it well, you must plan it well.

  比较:You want to do it well. And you must plan it well.


  Only when we fully recognize its importance can we have control of its essence.

  比较:After we fully recognize its importance, we can have control of its essence.

  No sooner had he arrived home than it began to rain.

  比较:He arrived home. And it began to rain.


  whether or not he will come is still unknown to all the people present.

  比较:No one present knows whether he will come or not.

  That he has done it all by himself is known to everyone.

  比较:Everyone knows that he has done it all by himself.


  ●As a creature, every one knows.

  ●Actions speak louder than words.

  ●Practice makes perfect.




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