

时间:2023-06-10 01:59:45 文/孙小飞 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Section 59 Transport

  1 They say that space travel is the safest form of transport.

  2 However, most of us will not experience that in our life time.

  3 Flying is also quite safe compared to other forms.

  4 People get a little nervous the first time they fly.

  5 In airports, everything is written in the local language; and in international airports, in English as well.

  6 Airport’s staff are usually very helpful and friendly too.

  7 With the improvement in infrastructure in most countries, road and rail travel are becoming much more efficient.

  8 High ways, motor ways and freeways make road travel very convenient.

  9 Modern high-speed trains ensure quickness between cities.

  10 In some large cities, there are underground rail systems called metros.

  11 American cities call these subways, but in Europe, subways are for walking under the main roads.

  12 As people get more concerned about inner city pollution from traffic, public transport becomes more crucial.

  13 Making buses, taxis and trains cheaper and more efficient will get more people to use them in stead of using their cars.

  14 Nowadays, people can be penalized for having just one person per car in the city.

  15 Like many things today, transport is changing due to environmental pressures.









  8. 公路、快车道、高速公路使公路交通更加方便。

  9. 现代高速火车缩短了城市之间的距离。

  10. 在某些大城市里,有地下铁路系统。

  11. 美国城市称之为地下公路,学习英语的网站,但是欧洲地下公路则指主干道的下面一层,英语,是让行人走的`路。

  12. 由于人们越来越关注交通带来的城市内部污染,公共交通显得犹为重要。

  13. 降低公共汽车、出租车和火车的车费会让更多的人使用公共交通,而不用私家车。

  14. 现在,许多城市都被一人一车所困扰。

  15. 和现在的许多事物一样,由于环境的压力,交通也发生了变化。


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