

时间:2023-06-14 05:01:52 文/李盛 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Jacquard weaves are expensive to produce, as the machinery is complex, complicated to operate, and costly to build.

  提花图案织造成本较高,提花机构也比较复杂,且不易操作,设备的造价较高。Weaving & Knitting

  织造方式Dobby Weaving

  多臂织造Sizing materials are applied to yarns, particularly warp yarns, before they are woven into cloth.

  在织造之前,必须给纱线(特别是经纱)上浆。Occasionally during weaving, one of the many warp ends may break.

  在织造过程中,有时会产生经纱断头。The timing of the crossing within the weaving cycle has a great effect on weaving and the woven fabric.

  在织造循环中,综平时间对织造工艺和织物成形有着重要影响。Two additional operations are essential if weaving is to be continuous

  要使织造连续进行,另外两个附加的运动是必要的This increases the cost of weaving and tends to make air jet looms less attractive.

  织造成本的.提高使喷气织机有被忽视的倾向。The shedding and beating- up cause cycle tension variations in the warp yarns.

  开口运动和打纬运动会引起在一个织造循环内的经纱张力波动。And the weaving of fancy yams becomes much easier because the obstructions are removed from the warp shed.


  v. [weave] 的现在分词形式;编织,编造

  She is weaving the flowers into a wreath.

  她把花编成花环。The spider weaves a web.

  蜘蛛织网。The timing of the crossing within the weaving cycle has a great effect on weaving and the woven fabric.

  在织造循环中,综平时间对织造工艺和织物成形有着重要影响。Weave all pieces on the same loom.

  用千篇一律的笔调写。 To move in a weaving, wobbling, or rolling manner.



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