

时间:2023-06-05 12:58:17 文/秦风学 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1.This is the weather report ..

  2.It’s cool (天气) in Lhasa(地方).

  3.Can I wear my new shirt today ? Yes , you can . / No , you can’t .

  4.Come on .

  5.Those are my shoes .

  6.Where are they ? They are on your feet ?

  7.Here’s the world weather .

  8.What are you doing ? Not much .

  9.What’s the weather like in Beijing(地点)? It’s rainy (天气) today .

  10.How about / What about New York ?

  11.What’s the matter ? I have to close the window .


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