

时间:2023-06-04 16:38:50 文/莉落 句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1,Where are you going? 你要去哪?

  2,Where is my pen? 我的钢笔在哪?

  3,Where is your mother? 你妈妈在哪?

  4,Where is his school bag? 他的'书包在哪?

  5,Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

  6,Where do you have for breakfast? 你在哪吃的早餐?

  7,Where did she get the news? 她从哪儿得到这个消息的?

  8,Where are you going for your holidays? 你打算到哪儿去度假?

  9,Where did I go wrong in my calculation? 我在计算中什麽地方出了差错?

  10,Where is the restaurant? 餐馆在哪?

  11,Where is Polly? 玻丽在哪?

  12,Where does the conversation probably take place? 对话中的地点可能发生在哪里?

  13,Where is the Tom now? 汤姆现在在哪?

  14,Where do they live? 他们住在哪?

  15,Where are you? 你在哪?

  16,Where did you buy this beautiful dress? 你在哪买的这么漂亮的连衣裙?

  17,Where is her house? 她房子在哪?

  18,Where is the coffee made? 这个咖啡是哪里生产的?


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