
关于重阳节的英语作文 关于重阳节的英语作文怎么写

时间:2023-06-11 21:16:38 文/刘莉莉 经验北考网www.beiweimall.com



每年的农历九月初九日,也是中国传统四大祭祖的节日 。重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今。重阳与三月初三日“踏春”皆是家族倾室而出,重阳这天所有亲人都要一起登高“避灾”。


The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the foot of autumn, Chinese traditional festival. To celebrate the festival usually includes travel Shangjing, climb mountains, enjoy chrysanthemums, biancha Mastixia, eat Double Ninth cakes and drink chrysanthemum wine activities. The annual Lunar New Year in September the ninth day of the fourth month and four Chinese traditional ancestor worship festival. The Double Ninth Festival early in the Warring States period has been formed, to the Tang Dynasty, the Double Ninth Festival was officially designated as the folk festival, later dynasties followed so far. The Double Ninth Festival in March and the third day spring is the one room and the family, the double ninth day all the family should take refuge.


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