

时间:2023-07-15 09:31:26 文/黄飞 教学设计北考网www.beiweimall.com



















































































  Section A(1a-2c)





  ■重点短语:①study for②make flashcard③make vocabulary lists④ask the teacher forhelp

  ⑤read aloud ⑥study with a group

  ■重点句型:①How do you study for a test? ②What abou tlistening to tapes?











  8. (如何)do you study for a test?



  1.pronunciation n.发音;发音法,其动词形式pronounce



  She knows a lot of French;words,but them incorrectl.

  2.Aloud adv.出声地;大声地

  例如:read aloud大声朗读






  The teacher asked me to the text .


  Please so that I can hear you clearly.


  Don't so .The baby is sleeping.


  例如:ask the teacher for help向老师请求帮助

  (拓展)ask sb.to do sth.请求某人干某事

  ask sb.not to do sth.请求某人不要干某事



  They me help.

  4.too... to...太……而不能……


  Enough to do...(足够……以至于……)转换。


  (6)The problem is so difficult that I can’t work it out。


  The problem is difficult work out.

  5.a lot表示程度,作状语,意为“很;非常”

  【拓展】a lot of=lots of许多;很多。修饰可数名词复数与不可数名词。



  I have interesting books.



  What about reading a1oud to practice pronunciation?


  【精解】What/How about...?



  (1)Let’s do... (2)Shall we do...?(3)Why don't you.../Why not do...?

  (4)Would you mind doing...?(5)You should...(6)You’d better(not)do... ?



  going out for a walk?


  the TV play?


  I am Beijinger. you?




  例如:The old woman makes a living by collecting and sellingwastes.那个老妇人以收废品和卖废品谋生o


  (11)—How do you study English So well?

  — reading 1ots of books。

  A.To B.Of C.At D.By



  1.We study by (work)with a group.

  2.It is agreat way (1earn)a 1anguage.

  3.What about (read)a1oud (practice)pronunciation and intonation?


  4.Have you ever (和朋友一起练习对话)friends?

  5.I study English (通过制作)f1ashcards.

  6. (怎么样)1istening to tapes?


  It's hard me this question.


  can your spoken English.



  1.I can’t get the p of the word right.

  2.Reading a in the morning is a good way to 1earn English well.

  3.He 1earns English bymaking v 1ists。

  4.Do you 1earn English by w English-1anguage videos?

  5.I often listen to tapes to i my listening skills。


  ManyChinese students don’t paymach attention to(注意)spoken English atschool.They think it necessary to practicespeaking English in class,but not outof class.Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the Eng1ishlanguage freely in daily life.A foreigner once got hungry and went into arestaurant in London.He sat down at a table.When the waiter came,he opened hismouth,put his nngers into it and took them out again in Order to express that hewanted something to eat forhe could not speak English.The waiter soon brought acup of tea.The man shook(摇动)his head。The waiter then took away the tea andbrought a cup of coffee.The man shook his head again.He tried again andagain,but he wasn’t able to make the waiter understand him.Finally,nother mancame in.He spoke English clearly and fluently.In a few minutes,there was a largeplate of meat and vegetables on the table before him.

  Sl you see a man often goes hungry if hedoesn’t master(掌握)a foreignlanguage.


  ( )6.Chinese students pay little attention to spoken English.

  ( )7.The students only practice speaking English in class.

  ( )8.The story happened in a restaurant in New York.

  ( )9.The man wanted to eat something because he was hungry.

  ( )10.Another man spoke English very well.


  Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

  The First Period

  Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

  1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: restroom, shampoo, stamp

  (2) Target Language: Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get adictionary?

  Sure. There’s a bookstore on River Road.

  2. Ability Objects: 1)Train students’ listening ability.

  (2)Train students’ communicative competence.

  Teaching Step 1: Revision

  T: You’re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is.Howcan you ask where the main office is?

  S1: Where’s the main office?

  T: That’s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. Youcan say, "Can you tell me where the main office is?" Class repeat. Can you tellme where the main office is?

  Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is?

  T: That’s correct. Now let’s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. Howcan you ask?

  S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is?

  T: Good! There’s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how toget to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom1?

  Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1?

  T: That’s right. Very good.

  Step Ⅱ 1a

  Go through the instructions with the class.

  Read the list of things to the class. To review the meaning of each item onthe list, invite different students to say each phrase in their own words.

  Point to the lettered parts of the picture one by one.

  Ask a student: What kind of place is this?

  What do they sell there? Do we have one in our community? What is the nameof the one in our community?

  Point out the sample answer. Say, The letter c is in front of the words buyshampoo because you could buy shampoo in a department store. There may be morethan one correct answer for some blanks.

  While students are working, move around the room offering help asnecessary.

  Step Ⅲ 1b

  Read the instructions to students. Point out the two conversations that areshown in the picture.

  As you listen, fill in the blanks with words you hear in the recording.

  Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.

  Play the recording a second time.This time ask them to fill in the blankswith the words you hear.

  Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step Ⅳ 1c

  Read the instructions to the class.

  Point out the list of things people need and the pictures of the places inactivity 1a. Say. Look at activity la. Have a conversation with a partner. Askyour parter politely where you can do these thing and then answer your partner’squestions.

  As students work, listen to some pairs in order to check the progress andhelp with pronunciation as needed.

  After students have had a chance to practise several exchanges, ask somepairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.

  The Second Period

  Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

  1. Knowledge Objects: 1) Key Vocabulary: escalator, furniture, exchangemoney, elevator

  (2) Target Language: Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?

  Sure. There’s a bank on the second floor. Take the escalator to the secondfloor and turn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.

  2. Ability Objects

  (1)Train students’ listening ability.

  (2)Train students’ communicative competence.

  3. Moral Objects

  If someone asks you how to get to the place he wants to go to, you shouldtell him the way correctly.

  Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

  1. Key Vocabulary

  exchange money

  2. Target Language

  Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?

  Sure. There’s a bank on the second floor.

  3. Structures

  Do you know where I can buy shampoo?

  Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

  Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

  Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

  1. Indirect questions.

  2. How to improve students’ listening ability.

  Ⅳ.Teaching Procedures

  Step Ⅰ Revision

  Check homework.

  Step Ⅱ 2a

  Read the instructions and point to the list of directions.

  Get students to name the items in the picture such as escalator, elevator,shoe store, and so on.

  Play the recording. Students only listen.

  Tell them that the picture may help them understand what they arehearing.

  Play the recording again. This time ask students to write a number next tofour of the directions.

  Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step Ⅲ 2b

  Point to the picture. Say, now you will hear the recording again. This timeshow where the boy went as he followed the directions to the drug store. Draw aline on the picture in your book.

  Play the recording again and ask students to draw the line on their own.Check the answer with the class.

  Step Ⅳ 2c

  Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation aloud to theclass.

  Read the instructions aloud. Say. Make conversations using informationabout the places in the picture with your partners.

  As students work, move around the classroom checking the progress of thepairs and offering help as needed.

  Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Ask the restof the class to look at the picture as they listen.

  Step Ⅴ Homework

  Ask the students to write three sentences with the starters of thestructures.

  The Third Period

  Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

  1. Knowledge Objects: (1) Key Vocabulary

  hang out, fresh, advantage, disadvantage, block

  (2)Target Language: Go out the front door and take a right. Walk aboutthree blocks. Go past the park, and turn left onto Oak Street.

  3. Moral Objects

  Anything has both advantages and disadvantages. We should treat everythingcorrectly.

  Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point

  Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

  Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

  How to improve students’ integrating skills.

  Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

  Step Ⅰ Revision: T: Yesterday we learned the structures.

  Do you know where…? Could you tell me how to get to…? Can you please tellme where…? Now who can make sentences by using the structures?

  Step Ⅱ 3a

  Read the instructions. Point out the blank lines under the words Advantagesand Disadvantages below the interview.

  You will write your answers in these blanks.

  Read the first two sentences at the top of the article.

  Explain that the interviewer will talk to several teenagers.

  Get students to read the interview on their own quickly.

  When they have finished, ask if there are any words or sentences they don’tunderstand. If there are, explain them.

  Ask students to read the interview again and write the advantages anddisadvantages. Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step Ⅲ 3b

  Read the instructions. Point out the conversation in the box and invite twostudents to read it to the class.

  Point out the list of advantages and disadvantages in Activity 3a. Say, Youcan use these items and any other items you can think of as you talk aboutplaces you usually hang out.

  Ask students to work in groups of four or five. As they work, move aroundthe classroom helping the groups as necessary. Make sure they talk about bothadvantages and disadvantages.

  Ask several groups to act out part of their conversation to the class.

  Step Ⅳ 4

  Read the instructions to the class. Get students to look back at thepicture and activities on the first page of this unit.

  Point out the sample language in the box. Invite a student to read it tothe class.

  Ask students to say the names of some stores and other places in thecommunity and write them on the board. Say,

  Each group can choose three of these places to write about, or you canchoose another place you know of

  Write careful directions from the school to each place, but do not say thename of the place. You can use the words this place instead. In order to helpstudents work, draw a simple map showing the school and several nearbystreets.

  When the groups are ready, they read their directions to the class and theother students guess the name of the place they are talking about.

  Step Ⅴ Homework

  1. Ask students to choose two places in the community and write carefuldirections from the school to each place.

  2. Finish off the exercises on pages 46~47 of the workbook.

  The Fourth Period

  Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary

  fascinating, convenient, safe, restroom, inexpensive(2)Target Language

  Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? Of course. What kind offood do you like?

  2. Ability Objects

  (1) Train students’ writing and speaking ability.

  (2) Train students’ ability to understand the target language in spokenconversation.

  (3) Train students’ ability to use the target language.

  Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary convenient, safe, restroominexpensive

  2. Target Language Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat?

  Of course. What kind of food do you like?

  Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

  1. How to improve students’ writing and speaking ability.

  2. How to use the target language.

  Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

  Step Ⅰ Revision Check homework.

  Step Ⅱ 1a Go through the instructions with the class.

  Read the words in the box to the class and ask if there are any of thesewords that students don’t understand. If so, help students to explain themeaning of the word.

  Then read the instructions again and point out the sample answer. Get astudent to read the sample answer to the class. Point out that students can alsowrite other words after the word clean.

  Ask students to write words from the box in the blanks on their own. Helpstudents if needed.

  Correct the answers by having students read what qualities he or shelisted.

  Step Ⅲ 1b Read the instructions to the class.

  Point out the example in the box. Invite two students to read it to theclass.

  Now work with a partner. Look at the words in the box and use them to talkabout places in your own city. As students talk, move around the classroomchecking their work. Offer language support as needed.

  Invite several pairs of students to say their conversations to theclass.

  Step Ⅳ 2a

  Point to the picture and ask students to tell what is happening. Ifnecessary, explain that the scene shows a family on vacation. They are askingthe man for information about various things to do in Sunville.

  Go through the instructions and point to the chart.

  Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.

  Play the recording again. Ask students to write the places people askabout.

  Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step Ⅴ 2b

  Read the instructions and point to the chart.

  You will hear the same recording again.

  This time listen carefully to the answers the cleck gives. Write theanswers in the blanks alone.

  Point out the sample answer.

  Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in theblanks.

  Check the answers.

  Step Ⅵ 2c

  Point to the sample conversation. Invite two students to read it to theclass.

  Read the instructions. Role play the conversations you hear on thetape.

  Get students to work in pairs. Move around the room checking the progressof the pairs and offering help as needed.

  Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.

  Step ⅦHomework

  Talk about some places using the words in la, then write down theconversations.














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