
牛津小学英语Unit 12 Review and chec教案

时间:2023-06-02 01:52:53 文/阿林 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

牛津小学英语Unit 12 Review and chec教案


  本单元是B 3B的总复习单元,侧重归纳了第七单元至第十一单元所涉及的语言项目。通过复习,巩固已学过的英语字母、单词及日常交际用语。教师可根据学生学习的实际情况,在字母、词汇和会话三个方面有针对性地复习,把所学的知识有机地联系起来,提高操练密度,加快操练节奏,增大操练容量,以提高复习课的效率,提高学生综合运用英语的能力。




  1、能按字母的顺序背诵Aa –Zz ,并能熟练地听、说、读写字母Aa—Zz.











  The first perid : Review Unit 7-Unit 9

  Teaching Cntents:

  Unit7,Unit 8,Unit 9.

  Teaching Ais:

  1.Enable the Ss t understand and sa 22 wrds

  2.Enable the Ss t understand and use the cunicative wrds .

  3.Raise the Ss interest t learn English .

  Teaching Step:

  1.Sing the sngs: ABC sng ,Ht crss buns!

  2.Sa a rhe :It’s his e .

  Step 2 Revisin .


  游戏规则: 三人围着一条凳子转,音乐停,抢凳子的两头坐,未抢到凳子坐的.学生从纸盒中出一张图片(Unit 7 8 9 中的单词)说出单词,并说一句话。

  2.Have a rest .

  Pla a gae: 我是ABC。

  教师将学生分成A——Z组,各组以自己的名称组合成Unit 10与Unit 11的单词。并组进行对话练习。

  Step3 Practice .

  1.L at the picture and tr t act (Unit 10 and Unit 11)


  2.Listen t the tape and repeat (Unit 10 Unit 11)

  Step 4 Hewr ,

  Listen t the tape fur ties fr Unit 9 t Unit 11


  如:S1: I’ hungr .

  S2: What wuld u lie?

  S1: I lie…


  3.Clthing ites

  让学生把自备的物品拿出,分成几个小组 ,扮演在商店购物的情景。

  如:Can I help u?

  I’d lie a cap,please .

  What clur ?

  White .

  Here u are .

  Hw uch is it ?

  Five uan,please .

  Step 3 practice .

  1. Listen t the tape and repeat .,

  2. Read the dialgue alud .

  3. L at the picture and tr t act:

  The secnd perid :Review Unit 10-Unit 11

  Teaching Cntents:

  Unit10 ,Unit 11

  Teaching Ais:

  1. Enable the Ss t understand and sa 16 wrds .

  2. Enable the Ss t understand and use the cunicative sentences .

  3. Raise the Ss interest t learn English .

  Teaching Steps

  1. Sing a sng: We stud and pla .

  2. Free tal .

  教师以“I’ hungr”展开对话,充分运用Unit 7 ,Unit8, Unit 9, Unit 10中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。

  Step2 Revisin .

  1. Musical instruents and sprts .

  a. 教师做动作学生用英语说出,并互换。

  b. 两人一组,表演对话。

  D u pla the pian ?

  N ,I dn’t .

  D u lie ftball?

  es ,I d .

  The third perid : Unit 12A B

  Teaching Cntents:

  Unit 2 A Listen and circle ,B Listen and answer .

  Teaching Ais .

  1. The Ss can understand what the have listened .

  2. The Ss can use the wrds crrectl .

  Teaching steps:

  Step1 War up .

  1. Greeting.

  T:Ma I ce in ? Ss : ce in ,please .

  T: Gd rning afternn ,bs and girls .


  2. Sa a rhe: En the da .

  Step2 Presentatin .

  1. Listen and circle .

  1) 教师准备一些事物图片,用句What this /that提问,学生用It’s a /an …回答。

  2) Pla a gae .

  游戏规则: 教师把一件物品藏身后,请学生用句型Is this a/an …猜测物体,师用es ,it is /N ,it isn’t .It’s a /an …活动中,教师与学生互换角色。

  3) Listen and circle .

  2. Listen and nuber

  1) 先以free tal的形式与学生进行交谈,重点放在第七单元至第十一单元所学的日常交际用语上。

  2) Listen and nuber .

  3) 校正答案。

  Step 3板书设计:

  Is this a ht dg ? D u lie…

  es ,it is . es ,I d .:

  The furth perid :Unit12 C L and sa

  Teaching Cntents:

  C L and sa

  Teaching Ais :

  1. Enable the Ss t have gd cperatin with ne anther

  Teaching Steps :

  Step1 War up .

  1. Sing the sngs: We stud pla .

  Ht crss buns .

  Step2 Revisin .

  Read and d .

  I lie swiing /running /siing /sating /in Suer /spring /winter dn’t and u ?

  Step3 Presentatin .


  Step 4 作练习册。

  A、 Listen and respnd .(教师先复习第七至第十一单元的对话,然后根据练习中的情况做出回答)

  B、 Listen and chec .


  C、 Listen ,find and circle .

  教师采用Listen and pint形式复习图中物品的英文名称,然后再做出。

  D、 Listen and udge .


  E Listen and draw .

  F Listen and nuber


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