四年级下册Lesson3《where are you going》教案
Step 1Review
Step 2 New Lessons
Getting ready
#Write Where are you going? I’m going to the hospital on the board.
#Point to are you and have Ss think other combinations. e.g. is he, are they, ect, and write them under are you on the board.
#Repeat the procedures to make lists under I’m and the hospital.
#Have Ss look at the pictures in the game board.
#T: (Point to MS. Black and the school.) (S1’s name), can you make a question?
S1: Where is the she going?
#T: (S2’s name), can you answer the question?
S2: She’s going to school.
#Do the same with several more pictures until Ss understand what to do.
Using the book.
#Demonstrate the game with one pair of Ss first. Give the pair paper tokens and a die.
#Have S1 roll the die and move his/her paper token along the board.
#S2 makes a question about the picture where S1 lands and S1answers accordingly.
#Then S2 rolls the die and moves his/her token.
#Put the Ss into pairs and give each pair paper tokens and a die.
#Walk around the classroom to see how Ss are doing.
#continue the game until all Ss reach the finish.
Extension activity
让A组提出一些用否定回答的问题,如:Is Tony going to the beach? Are Mom and Dad going to the shopping mall?等,B组同学要想办法记住每个人物要去的.地方。时间到,除每组一位同学之外,其他的同学走到前面打开书本,检查问答的内容是否与图画标点符号。A组的学生轮流发问,B组同学以整个组为单位来回答,之后两组变换角色。
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