

时间:2023-06-17 05:51:50 文/李盛 古籍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  From thee girl's ry beginning,the girl's family objected strongly to her dating with this guy.Though the girl loved the boy deeply,she always asked him:"How deep you love for me?"Asthe guy was not good at words,this often caused thegirl to be very upset.

  after a couple of years,the guy finally graduated and decided to further hisstudies overseas.Before leaving ,he proposed marriage to thegirl and promised to take care of her for the whole life.Thegirl agreed,and with the boy's determination,thefamily finally gave in.Before he went abroad,they got engaged.They often sent their lone through e-mail and phonecalls.Though it was hard,both never thought of giving up.

  One day,while thegirl was on her way to work,she was knocked down by a car.The collision on her brain has caused her to lose her voice.Thegirl didn't want to be a burden to him.She wrote to him saying that she didn't wish to wait any longer.With the letter,she sent the ring back to him.

  Thegirl decided to move away,hoping that she could competely forget everything.In the new environment,thegirl learnt thesign language and started a new life.She told herself every day that she must forget the boy.One day,her friend came and told her that he was back.She asked her friend not to let him know what had happened to her.Since then,there wasn't any more news of him.

  A year later,her friend came with an envelope,containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding.Thegirl wasshattered .When she oppened the letter ,she saw her own name in it.She was about to ask her friend what wasthe matter when she saw the guy standing in front of her.He used thesign language telling her,"I've spent a year learning thesign language .I want you to know I haven't forgoten my promise.Let me have the chance to be your voice.I love you."With these,he slipped the ring back into her finger.Thegirl finally smiled.











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