

时间:2023-06-10 00:15:54 文/黄飞 广播稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  A:Hello,everyone,nice to see you again,welcome to our English broad cast.

  B:My dear teachers and students,so nice to meet you in the broad cast.

  A:Today we are talking about the Chinese traditional festival,The Dragon Boat Festival.

  B:WangXin,do you know when is this festival?

  A:Of course I know,it is on lunar May 5th,and this day,people have dragon boat races in many places and eat Zongzi. B:Haha,do you know who were member to?

  A:We Chinese sant----Quyuan.He is a great man in the history.

  B:How many day offs do we have in this holiday?

  A:According to my head teacher,Mr.Wu,he said that we would leave school tomorrow noon,and we have 4 days in all.

  B:That's wonderful,we can go anywhere that we want to go.

  A:Where would like to spend your holiday?

  B:Idon't want to go anywhere,because I have so many homework to do,I can only stay at home.

  A:That's terrible, I want to go shopping with my mother ,I've no clothes to wear, especially the summer clothes, so I decide to buy some new summer clothes.

  B:Oh,you are so fortunate.


  A:So much for today,goodbye everyone.

  B:Wish you have a wonderful time in this holiday.See you next time.


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