

时间:2023-07-15 12:17:24 文/张东东 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of team, and accumulated some experience in previous work, cheerful, strong affinity,responsible, hardworking performance of the company to get approval from the leadership. We are hoping to take on new challenges to learn more knowledge in future work.

  Hypermarket sales manager or business self-eva luation:

  He engaged in the sales industry for many years, sales skills, sales experience have reached a relatively high level! I am cheerful, is adynamic, highly motivated and courage to challenge people! With "fromwhere the falls getting up from there." spirit to do everything!


  1, familiar with the sales process and store the terminal daily maintenance and management, good customer development and maintenance.

  2, three years of work experience in architectural design and sales experience as well as learning more than one year of university structures, let me in communication with the construction side and after-sale technical support for many more advantages.

  3, in addition to daily sales work, I can skillfully use Photoshop software and cad drawing, and the production of the overall program mix.

  4, very much hope that engaged in real estate sales.


  Four years of marketing expertise to study and part-time real estate market rich practical experience, so I'm interested in real estate marketing career and skills benefit.

  I compromise came step by step from the rugged song, from the naive, impulsive and unrealistic, psychologically more mature, firm, professional foundation more solid.

  Professional: to grasp a lot of theoretical and real estate marketing professional marketing skills, while the level of computer applications, English proficiency, the ability to have a large degree of social progress; qualities: hardworking hard, proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, hard-working honest , with team spirit, good health and full of energy, can adapt to high-intensity work.

  Four years of university study and more than a year of real estate marketing trainee positions temper, I trained a good team spirit and work style, such as multi-angle understanding and awareness of customer purchasing needs, omni-estate customer service, buried truth-seeking spirit of hard work and resourcefulness of dumping capacity.

  I believe that in future work, I will work closely with the company sales needs, hard work to become a competent real estate marketing experts.


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