

时间:2023-07-24 03:27:33 文/阿林 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com

  At work,I am serious and responsible for the work,good communication,coordination,strong organizational skills and team spirit,optimistic,caring and good at teaching and learning in parallel;self-motivated,diligent learning can continuously improve their ability and comprehensive Quality.Cheerful,positive;character calm and cheerful,treat people enthusiasm,affinity and strong,with entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit,have a strong practical ability.

  Good coordination and communication skills,strong adaptability,quick response,active,flexible,diligent,diligent,meticulous,practical,good teamwork learning focus on the combination of theory and practice,has a considerable social practice ability,Of the dedication and sense of responsibility,able to face any difficulties and challenges.

  I am engaged in maintenance for three years,proficient in soldering iron technology,hot air gun technology,skilled analysis of electronic circuits to explain,familiar with the introduction of new products into the maintenance work flow and maintenance of all types of electronic products and abnormal analysis work,Abnormal and able to analyze and complete the maintenance report.

  Work hard,practical,meticulous and patient,self-motivated,hands-on ability,diligent thinking and summary,full of creativity;can endure hardship,have strong organizational skills and team spirit;cheerful,warm,Adapt to the environment and strong,easy to interact with people.

  I am warm and open-minded,can quickly adapt to the new environment,learning new knowledge,grasp the new skills.

  Give me a chance,I will use my practical actions to confirm your choice,I believe your trust and my strength can bring us a common success!

  During the school,I love the car repair industry,has served as a vehicle maintenance class learning members,in a number of campus car repair skills competitions to achieve excellent results.


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