

时间:2023-07-17 02:48:41 文/秦风学 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com




  I am optimistic, optimistic, positive, honest, honest, good, willing to help people, in two years of work experience with the leadership and colleagues to handle harmonious, can get the trust and support of colleagues, work responsibility, although two years in the HSBC group work at night for foreign customers to work in the evening. Line services, but not afraid of hard work and fatigue, can solve various difficult problems with a good mental outlook and meticulous and thoughtful service.

  The working attitude is practical, serious and careful. In the process of serving the customer, we find out the mistakes of the customers to fill in the information many times, and communicate with the customers actively, help the customers reduce the difficulties and losses; work hard, learn constantly, have strong learning ability and learning consciousness, although the English level is general in the school education process, but two In 2005, he has worked well in customer service practice and long-term English training in foreign banks, and has good listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

  It can distinguish the key, grasp the method, can handle a lot of business at the same time, the work efficiency is high, has been praised by the department leaders many times; with the strong team consciousness, through the training of the new staff and the coordination with the business of various departments, I have a certain team team cooperation ability and a strong sense of overall situation. For the new job, we are good at learning from predecessors, and have strong adaptability and independence.


  Positive enterprising, conscientious work, solid and conscientious, strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit and ability to cooperate, pay attention to work efficiency, independent personality, cheerful personality, decisive attitude and strong idea of time. And have excellent expressive ability, good learning ability and ability to accept new things, rich in pioneering consciousness, attention to details, and have a good psychological ability.

  At work, I work hard, have a certain social practice experience. With strong sense of responsibility, strong adaptability, enthusiastic attitude and careful work, we will work hard to fulfill the task of leadership arrangement.

  In school, has a solid accounting knowledge, familiar with the general accounting treatment, familiar with the tax system. It will operate word, Excel, PPT office software and U8 UFIDA financial software.


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