

时间:2023-07-08 19:22:03 文/孙小飞 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I am very familiar with the traffic conditions in Beijing, five years FMCG distribution experience, familiar with the Beijing star hotel receipt process.Driving in Beijing for 8 years, there have been no traffic accidents; familiar with the outskirts of Beijing and the surrounding roads. Divine car drivers a year of work experience. Easy-going, work at ease, serious. Comes with six blue card Jinbei car (license plate tail number 9), you can pull the goods, the shuttle people. Mainly looking for a car work. Note: If there are full-time drivers work, open gold cup car, car and other models, if appropriate, can also be considered.

  10 years of work experience, skilled driving skills, car maintenance and general maintenance familiar with, cherish the vehicle; with a high degree of professionalism and teamwork, can Chikunailao, practical work, work together with colleagues, obey orders, respect for leadership ; In January 20xx I have applied to the "re-employment concession certificate" I am cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence.

  I am cheerful, stable, warm and sincere. Work hard, proactive, able to endure hardships; safe driving ability and coordination of emergency response capabilities, like to drive, work hard, regardless of where the work are regarded as their own home, I hope my action can solve your companyTo create a better performance.


  I am proficient in the use of word, excel, photosrop, coreidraw and other office processing software, familiar with the use of computer management by row control operation, with years of driving experience, familiar with the Pearl River Delta route, fluent Cantonese conversation ability, Companies and factories over the administrative car drivers and transport truck drivers, the daily maintenance of vehicles and some simple maintenance have practical ability! --- I think he is a person who can quickly adapt to life, positive and optimistic about life, people Warm, hard-working, responsible, on time to complete the task, to do their work, with good interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit!

  I focus on learning professional knowledge, and continuously enhance the professional quality. And always use the quality of qualified basic skills of qualified drivers, often use spare time, learning to study driving, traffic laws and regulations, machinery and other aspects of knowledge, broaden the knowledge level, improve their own quality, lay a solid ideological foundation for safe driving, Rules to ensure safe driving.

  In order to ensure traffic safety, usually I pay attention to vehicle maintenance, work every day to insist on checking the vehicle condition, to see whether the vehicle problems, found the problem, timely maintenance, each time the vehicle is good to confirm the case, better to prevent Driving a problem on the road.

  At the same time, I always insist on the way to stop three minutes, do not grab a second, strictly abide by traffic rules, subject to - police command, better prevent traffic accidents, insist on civilized driving.


  I am cheerful, stable, warm and sincere. Work hard, proactive, able to endure hardships; safe driving ability and coordination of emergency response capabilities, like to drive, work hard, regardless of where the work are regarded as their own home, I hope my action can solve your companyTo create a better performance.

  I am proficient in the use of Word, Excel, Photosrop, CoreIDRAW and other office processing software, familiar with the use of computer management by row control operation, has many years of driving experience, familiar with the Pearl River Delta route, fluent Cantonese conversation ability,Companies and factories over the administrative car drivers and transport truck drivers, the daily maintenance of vehicles and some simple maintenance have practical ability! --- I think he is a person who can quickly adapt to life, positive and optimistic about life, people Warm, hard-working, responsible, on time to complete the task, to do their work, with good interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit!


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