

时间:2023-07-23 20:04:29 文/张东东 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I hope to do a second-hand property consultant, I personally like to do sales industry, you can contact different aspects of people, get better exercise, better interpersonal relationships, etc., but also through their oe I believe that a good business is not on their opany's highly educated , I do not, I remember a pany, I have the confidence to do a good job My opany the opportunity!

  I hope to find a promising job! I had three first-class scholarships in school, the school student union chairman for tpressive strength. Willing to fight through their oe of their own cause!


  First, because I graduated from the School of Business Administration of the marketing professional, otion for the sales management level, my department has been in my lead, six people do the performance of 130,000, creating a department has never had the feat!

  In addition, I very much value teammunication and communication, munication skills and team spirit; to make full use of existing resources, and implementation of integration, to maximize the Role, plete the task to provide an important guarantee.

  I have the follomunication, team development and collaboration skills;

  To participate in the company's large-scale promotional activities over a hundred field, has a keen insight into the market, a municate them the ups and doputer applications, English, social skills have been greatly improved;

  Quality: pany marketing job trainee er purchase needs, all-round real estate customer service . I believe that in the future pany sales needs, hard ing a competent real estate marketing experts.


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