

时间:2023-07-14 08:38:55 文/王明刚 自我评价北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Through two years of administrative work,training a comprehensive and strong ability to work. Good character and good manners,honest and pragmatic man,a serious and responsible work,a team spirit.

  Work attitude and hard work. Love their own work,be able to seriously take seriously every work,work,enthusiasm for all services,conscientiously abide by labor discipline,to ensure timely attendance,high attendance,no leave phenomenon throughout the year,the effective use of working hours,,Need to work overtime to complete overtime work on time to ensure that work can be completed on time.

  During this time,I also found my shortcomings,such as the idea is not open enough,sometimes too much to pursue the task,while ignoring the other several aspects,I believe that in the future I will work hard,active thinking,To complete the work of the future more perfect.

  I have a strong sense of self—motivated,with hard—working spirit,can quickly adapt to the environment,honest man,do things carefully,a strong sense of responsibility,good team spirit and communication skills.Optimistic,persistent personality,aggressive,dare to face difficulties and challenges. Proficiency in the use of computer operating system WORD / EXCEL / OFFICE and other software,with file management experience,I believe that the enthusiasm of the work,your company will do everything we can to do our best. Sincerely hope to become a member of your company,sincere hope good news!


  I work resolutely obey the leadership arrangements,and actively play their own initiative,diligent in thinking,and strive to have new ideas,a breakthrough in their own work are responsible for outstanding performance. Usually able to stand alone side,so that early in the year there are plans to summarize. Calm,able to effectively solve the problem,but also carry forward the spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation,

  In the file management work,orderly arrangement of files in an orderly manner,the establishment of a directory for easy access,and scattered files for registration and timely archiving to prevent the loss of the file,the file is well distributed,anytime,anywhere can quickly find Files,but also ready to use the database software to improve file management,simplifying the work process,this work is planning in progress. A total of 2 sets of archives were sent to the city group to receive acceptance,collecting 439 copies of scattered files,access to files 66 times. In charge of the Department of computer and office equipment management and maintenance,can be done in an orderly manner,there are problems in time to solve or repair,to ensure the smooth progress of the work.

  At work,I never care about personal gains and losses,division of work regardless of home,respect for leadership,unity,colleagues,helpful,always a party member of the strict demands on themselves,the performance is obvious to all,has been superior leadership and colleagues recognition and Praise.


  I am cheerful,modest,self—discipline,self—confidence. Strong passion for new technologies,willing to take on new challenges and are sensitive to future technology trends;Creative thinking and ability to work independently;Cheerful personality,good interpersonal and team work skills;Energetic,have a high enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility.

  Constant pursuit,continuous learning and constant innovation is the concept I advocate. I am a lively and cheerful,honest and trustworthy girl,has a strong coordination and organizational skills,can quickly integrate into a new team. I believe:"any occupation,as long as the intentions,believe in yourself,will make some achievements to." I will be full of enthusiasm into the workplace,I believe your confidence in my ability to bring our common future success!

  I am cheerful,stable,energetic,warm and sincere. Have strong organizational skills,and team spirit,good social skills,good at dealing with various interpersonal relationships. Can quickly adapt to a variety of environments,and integration of them.


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