

时间:2023-07-11 13:55:15 文/王明刚 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

  dear pa and ma,

  two months have passed quickly since i came back to school。 i miss you very much,and i hope the letter will give you a little pleasure。

  do you still remember that i was rather poor in maths in grade one? you were so disappointed that you always blamed me。 now with the help of my teachers and classmates,and also because of my hard work in the summer holidays,i've made rapid progress。 a few days ago i did very well in a maths exam。 how happy i was! of course,i will not be proud of it and will study even harder。

  please don't worry about me。 i'm very well。 you see,i've grown up。 i'm sixteen years old now and no longer a new student。 i can do well with anything that happens around me。 after a year's study, i've been used to the life in the school。 i get on well with all my classmates。 i believe that you will see a new term。

  i hope you are both healthy!

  your loving daughter,

  jing hua


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