

时间:2023-07-08 17:00:38 文/孙小飞 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Uncle Lei Feng is a PLA man. He has done many good things in his life. For example, helping soldiers stand guard, helping the elderly get on the train, offering love, donating money to do good deeds and never leaving a name In my hometown, you can see Lei Feng Group. Some help people cut their hair, some help people cut their clothes, and some help the lonely old man clean up Ah! Lei Feng is everywhere in his hometown.


  How can I learn from Uncle Lei Feng? I want to help my classmates in school and the old people across the street. On Sunday, I went to the streets with my classmates to clean the railings, and to plant trees. This is to learn from Uncle Lei Feng.


  All men and women in our hometown are learning from Uncle Lei Feng. Lei Feng's spirit blossoms and bears fruit in his hometown.


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