
学习英语最好的方法(the best way to learn english)

时间:2023-07-08 19:35:39 文/阿林 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

学习英语最好的方法(the best way to learn english)

  I asked my english teacher this morning, “how do you learn chinese when you were a child? think about it, and you’ll find the answer.”

  I cannot recall how I studied my native language, but I still remember the way my little cousin learned to speak. He listened to what people said and tried to imitate what he had heard. at two or three years old, he could express himself in simple language. Now, he is five years old, he can speak more perfectly. He is using language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time.

  I understand if i use english all the time, it won’t seem so difficult. I will learn it quickly. it’s the best way to learn a foreign language.


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