
科普知识与现代技术 Popular science and modern technology

时间:2023-07-06 15:14:47 文/莉落 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

科普知识与现代技术 Popular science and modern technology

  Science and Technology Influence Life

  As we can see, science and technology have been deeply influencing our life. Take our school for example.

  Now there are several HD-cameras monitoring the whole campus in case of emergency or school bullying. At meal time, we can watch TV news in the dinning hall, learning the latest international and domestic events. Not only can our teachers use multimedia equipment to make their classes more lively, but also they can mark papers on the computer, which greatly improves the efficiency of paper-scoring. Additionally, we can do many things conveniently, such as paying by Alipay, getting food by card, going to school by shared bike and so on.

  In a word, it is the development of science and technology that makes such a comfortable and convenient life available to us.


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