

时间:2023-07-18 13:17:42 文/莉落 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Nowadays, under the new marketing system, students render quite different opinions about the destination of study. Some of them hold that having a dlploma is certainly the destination of study in college. They believe that the dlploma will guarantee favorable opportunities in the joh-huntlng campaigns. So their college lives are ahnost focused on the hooks which help them pursue decent scores in the exams. However, can a diploma be regarded as an equivalent for the success in the future?

  Under the new maketing system, quite many college students tend to challenge this belief. They believe that it is most important to develop the personal interests and often have every reason to pride themselves on excellent academic achievements in the subjects they take a great interest in, while they may flunk in other courses.

  As one of the modern college students, I firmly believe that college is a place where we learn how to learn. We should take best advantage of thechance to learn broadly math, history, and various sciences, not merely for a diploma. On the other hand, it is also quite necessary that we take a wide interest in puter, foreign languages or any other practical disciplines rather than just confine ourselves within textbooks so that we could show ourselves as versatile graduates in the future job markets. Only in this way can we keep on learning throughout our lifetime and always keep with the times.


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